Written for
cliche_bingoTitle: Vampire Hunter
Cliche: Character Study
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Word Count: 1059
neevebrody and
mischief5 It should go without saying, all mistakes are mine.
Summary: Ronon Dex: Vampire Hunter (yep, that pretty much says it all)
Part of the
Sensual Magic AU where John is a vampire and Rodney is not. Follows
Reflections Vampire Hunter
Ronon held himself perfectly still. He blended into the background, senses alert, every muscle controlled. An observer would be hard pressed to see the rise and fall of his chest. The techniques he used were his protection and his stock in trade. He’d survived this long by learning how to hide in plain sight. Tonight Ronon Dex wasn’t hunting. The two men at the bar were his reason for being here. He cautiously shifted forward and listened in on their conversation.
“Are you kidding me, Bill? Have you seen the paperwork that’s included? There must be a half inch of non-disclosure agreement alone. What in hell is the military hiding?” Kavanagh’s voice was low and outraged.
“Now see,” Bill Lee replied, “There’s a perfectly good reason for that. Of course, I can’t tell you…just sign the damn paperwork, Calvin. I want you on board for this. Well, I wanted McKay, too, but no one’s been able to find him. He walked out of the SGC and not even Carter has heard from him. Look, just agree. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.” Bill nervously shifted in his seat. “You didn’t hear me tell you this. The SGC has found something.”
From there the conversation turned technical. Ronon didn’t have a clue what they were talking about; he just knew his friend should go. A different life would be good for him.
He was aware of Teyla watching the two men as well. She was hanging in the shadows, ready to step forward if Kav needed protecting. Good to know she was watching out for her former pet but she made Ronon uneasy. She moved with unnatural grace. Powerful. Deadly. Still, he’d hesitate to kill her now. He cursed under his breath, knowing that kind of thinking would slow him down. It could get him killed or worse, turned. Disgusted with himself, he silently slipped away and made his way home.
There’d been only one vamp Ronon had chosen not to kill on sight. To be accurate, his companion had stayed Ronon’s hand, and now he was glad of it. Granted, at the time, Kavanagh himself had been beguiled by one of the wretched undead. Still, he’d learned to respect Kav’s opinion well enough.
Enough so that when he met John Sheppard, their meeting did not end badly for the vampire. Ronon had kept his hand on his weapon, but refrained from drawing it. Sheppard seemed to recognize it for the closest thing to a peace offering Ronon could give. Over time, they’d built an uneasy friendship based on mutual interest. Ronon had even hunted him down from time to time to ask his advice. John unfailingly directed him to the vilest of the vampire nests. They’d reeked of evil and the Libertine seemed glad to have Ronon dispose of them.
Ronon tested his blade. Good. His sword was a fair weapon and held its edge well. It would easily separate flesh and bone. Kav would’ve teased him, called his blade a bride and Dex a devoted groom, then gently chided Dex to get out into the daylight more. Ronon sighed; his friend was on his mind a lot tonight.
Kavanagh’s mistress had allowed her pet a fair amount of freedom. That’s how they’d met. Ronon had been out on the dark streets when he spied Kavanagh making his way towards the local diner. If his pale complexion hadn’t been enough of a clue, the three medium rare burgers and the iron supplement he was wolfing down would have done it. Ronon had immediately sat down at his table and offered to kill his claimant on the spot. No man should be entrenched in a life devoted to one of the undead.
His cause had fallen on deaf ears. Kavanagh had convinced him that vampires were not all the same. His mistress, Teyla, wasn’t one of the soulless beasts that preyed on helpless humans. She made her own rules; she protected him. Besides, she was hot and the sex was incredible so he’d appreciate if Ronon would find another vamp to kill.
Kavanagh was clever and good company so they’d made a deal. Kav would keep his mouth shut about Ronon’s activities. He’d watch Ronon’s back, and pass on what vamp information he could. In return, Ronon would refrain from killing Teyla unless she found out about him.
Kav had convinced him that John Sheppard was another one who didn’t follow the rules. The Libertine was a rogue who mocked his own kind when he could. The first time Ronon had met Sheppard, Kavanagh reminded him of how his mistress held the Libertine in some respect. She’d envied how Sheppard had rarely taken a human life and none that hadn’t deserved it.
Ronon hefted his blade and stared into the quiet night. Teyla had obviously cared for Kavanagh and she’d released him from his bond before he’d come to serious harm. Released him and erased his mind of her presence, allowing him to move on in his life. Her actions were proof that not all vampires were completely evil. Kavanagh had returned to a normal life, and with the memories of vampires gone from his mind, so were his memories of vampire hunters.
It was the right choice but Dex could admit he missed the man. He had an uncomfortable suspicion that Kav’s support and sly humor had helped keep Ronon more human himself. Vengeance was a harsh master and a lonely way to live. It made a man forget there were good things in the world.
Ronon set the sword aside and carefully ran a check over each item in his personal arsenal. He knew it was unnecessary but it was better if he kept busy. Now he had more time on his hands, perhaps he should watch John Sheppard a little closer.
Something was going on. The Libertine had suddenly turned domestic. He stayed with one human, but didn’t keep him as a pet. Stranger still, Sheppard had bite marks on him. It was impossible to miss from the way he showed them off, smugly preening in delight. Ronon shook his head; hands down, that was the most un-vampire like thing he’d ever seen. Strangeness aside, there was one thing Ronon was sure of: John Sheppard would understand how a man could get bored with his life.
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