The Plot Bunny Dust-Off Challenge ~
Time: Month of March April
Place: Here at my LJ
Rules: This is a Multifandom Challenge. Choose a Work-in-Progress to focus on and be re-inspired. There will be multiple discussion topics throughout the month that I hope will help inspire that pesky muse. If you feel like tackling more than one WiP, go for it.
Works can be of any format. Art, Podfic, or even that long Meta you always wanted to write. This challenge is to get that bunny dusted off and working again.
Result: Anything from a complete piece to adding two sentences to a story. This challenge is about the journey and kindling imagination.
If you do complete a WiP by month's end, we'd love to have you post a link to it.
For those that would like to join in but don't have a WiP there are some great prompts at
romancingmcshep HERE and
HEREand McSheplets prompts to inspire more McShep (or Joe/David or Hewligan works),
If you're really stuck for ideas, there is always the
Random Plot Generator.
Use with caution. Once born, plot bunnies will haunt you.
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