QAF Recap 509

Jul 26, 2005 14:08

Always Have… Always Will (DANGIT!) Apologies to everyone who is not a Brikey shipper (and not just sexual, but also friendship shippers). I try to keep my Brikey (and God I love that name) love under control, but this scene just shattered the glass ceiling. So come along with me as we enter into THE BEST SCENE EVER!


Let’s listen in shall we? “I’m surprised to see you here!” Brian says. Mikey looks at Brian and says, “I want to ask you a question. Why did you apologize?” This is the point where every Brikey fan in the world screams, “Don’t mess it up Brian! I swear to God if you mess this up!” Brian says, “I guess I missed you.” And we all cringe because that’s a Brian answer, but is it too much of a Brian answer? We all breath a sigh of relief as Mikey cracks a huge smile. Michael asks Brian if he still love him, and Brian says (as we all die and crumble into a million pieces), “Always have, always will.” SWOON! I’m sorry y’all, I know, I know, I know, but if that didn’t tug at your heartstrings!


Let’s go back to Michael and Brian for a bit (shut up!). They seem to have grown apart, but I don’t think that’s true at all. I mean, nobody knows Brian better that Mikey and vice versa, they are each other’s yin and yang I think. I believe that once they got over the hurdle of realizing that they weren’t going to be together, they thought they were going to be okay. What they didn’t see coming was that they never really got over that hurdle. They never really accepted the fact that they weren’t going to be roommates forever who had sex with other people but ultimately loved each other, that there were going to be other people in their lives that they loved just a much, if not more in certain ways. It’s a very selfish relationship between the two and we’ve been made to see Michael as the obsessive one, but really, Brian is the same way. I think once they come to terms with the fact that they don’t have to be with each other all the time to still love each other, they’ll be fine, it’s just getting them there. I mean, think about it, when Mikey left Brian lost a part of him, that’s not so hard to believe. He should be begging Michael to baby please comeback because they belong together. Who is Mikey going to lean on when times get rough, who’s going to talk to Brian on the phone till the sun comes up, WHO’s going to take their places, there ain’t nobody else, no y’all, they belong togetheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr! Sorry about that, I’ve been wearing out my Mariah Carey album, cop that yo! You won’t regret it!

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