For the Cannibal in myself, and for the cannibal in you, I have taken the time to journey into the midst of online ranting to finally answer the question referencing the color bias we all have. No, not the color bias as in racism, but rather in meat. What, praytell, am I talking about? I've taken the liberty to answer the age-old question (or at
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Comments 4
1.) If I'm just like a pig I want the god damned 20 minute orgasms too!!
2.) We don't want it to taste like pork because we are (whether we realize it or not)just like pork...
3.) *Fights off flying monkeys* Wait I don't like beer...*relaxes*
4.) I honestly think that we should try human. I know a few people that would un-willingly volunteer to be tonights gourmet...=0|
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