Dunno, the US reaction has been to bury it's head in the sand in the usual "It won't affect us" reaction it seems to have to anything & everything happening elsewhere. Even when elsewhere turns out to be California & Greenwich Village.
Now, maybe, they'll start doing something for the rest of the world too! Or am I too optimistic?
i'm sorry that this is so off-topic-- but i was wondering if i could co-mod the lm montogmery community with you. i love making layouts and i recently have been doing some maud graphics and stuff and i think it would be fun to revamp the community as a project. i'm sorry if this sounds presumptuous or jerky in any way! it's not meant to. i'm just feeling creative and want to share it.
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Now, maybe, they'll start doing something for the rest of the world too! Or am I too optimistic?
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