(no subject)

Sep 07, 2003 07:30

Wearing: AH! This would be the first question. Ok, pj pants and a bra. Waiting for laundry to get dry.
Mood: okey dokey
Listening to: Music...particularly NIN
What's your hair doing? sitting there..being hairish.
What's got you pissed? whoever the fuck stabbed me in the back once again.
What do you smell like? uhm..soap..
Favorite artist? Johnen Vasquez or..I dunno..alot.
What're you reading? this quiz thingy
CD in your player? some random burned CD
Dvd player? Hellsing
What's the last thing you drank? water
What worries you? a whole lot right now.

Last Person You...
Touched: mom
Hugged: mom
Talked to: sister
Laughed with: sister
Imed: freeedr
Talked to on the phone: 00ga
Got angry at: see 'what's got you pissed'
Got loud with: brother, playing xbox
Got drunk with: haha..me..drunk..

Food: seafood & speaghetti...not at once.
Drink: tomato juice, V8, coke or pepsi, grape juice & orange juice.
Color: black, white, pink
Candy: Nerds!
Animal: I like too many to name here.
News channel: Channel 8 I suppose. Just a local station.
Movie: Boondock Saints, Moulin Rouge, Fight Club...
Cool dance move: whatever crazy move I'm doing for whatever random reason.
Song: I have alot. Depends on my mood.
Vegetable: tomatoes (shhh, I know it's a fruit..)
Fruit: oranges, pomegranate
Cartoon character: uhm...drawing a blank. I'll say Gir.

Are you...
Understanding? I think so
Open-minded? sure am
Arrogant? haha...kinda..sometimes..
Insecure? ehh..not really
Interesting? I can be.
Random? all the time
Tired? nope..but I will be in two hours.
Cold? slightly warm
Thirsty? not yet
Hungry? starting to be
Friendly? sure
Stupid? nope
Independent? I would say more than most.
Overachieving? ..does that require extra work?
Organized? I pretend I am.
Healthy? I..think..maybe
Shy? only in the presence of someone I like.
Hard to deal with? Heh. Yes.
Attractive? ...I'm also modest.
Bored easily? yes
Sloppy? if I'm tired
Responsible? I think so.
Obsessive? I can be...like with video games and such.
Angry? I have a dark side.
Sad? not right now
Thrilled? Not particularly thrilled about anything. I got a knife.
Hyper? hardly ever.
Trusting? uh huh
Talkative? imma say no.

Who do you want to...
Look like? I'm good enough.
Talk to more? people!
Talk to online? at the moment, anyone is good.

My middle name is: amanda
In the morning I: wake up, smack my alarm and go to work
All I need is: two pretzel sticks, a pair of tweezers and some wire.
Love is: ? good
I'm afraid of: death
I dream about: ...death..and demons..

Have you ever...
Been in love? sure
Cried when someone died? yes
Lied? little white lies come back to haunt you
Had Deja Vu? too often
Clicked with someone? mm hmm

Which is better?
Coke/Pepsi: either or.
Top/Bottom: top
Blonde/Brown: black
A Good Smile/Nice Eyes: eyes
Flowers/Candy: a toy.
Tall/Short: tall
Black/White: black
Rock/Rap: rock

**intermission**my clothes are dry**

Makes you laugh? degus, 00ga, freeedr, ben
Makes you want to dance? my own twisted mind
Do you have a crush on? :x
Has a crush on you? haha..nobody.
Is the coolest person ever? Kevin, Arthur, or Christian
Do you wish lived closer? everyone =/
Do you wish lived further away? meh, I'm good.

Do You Ever...
Wait excitedly for someone to IM you? no, I'll IM them if I want to talk that badly.
Log IM Conversations? nope. Maybe very very significant ones.
Wish you were a boy or girl? I like being a girl. I have boobehs!
Miss someone you dated? No...I think a couple of them should back off though.
Lose faith? in what? me? no.
Pray? not particularly

Have You Ever...
Fallen for your best friend (of your preferred sex)? It was debateable for a while.
Been rejected? not really
Rejected someone? uh huh
Used someone? not really
Been cheated on? ...grrr....
Regretted something? only one.

Do/Are You...
A Smoker? Nope
Able to live without the computer? haha...no.
Color your hair? eh..sometimes if I'm bored.
Ever get offline? I sleep.
Speak more than English? french
Drink alcohol? nope
Do drugs? nope
Like sunrises or sunsets? if they're pink, yes.
Prefer physical or emotional pain? physical..takes less time to heal.

Times I have had my heart broken: maybe..once
Of tight friends?: non existant.
Of CD's that I own?: uhm..alot
Of scars on my body?: alot. I was a very hyper child.

I know: I have to go to work soon
I want: to go to sleep
I have: chocolate on my fingers
I hate: being overly tired at work
I miss: sleep
I hear: winamp
I ache: ..for sleep
I care: about people!
I always: need more sleep x.x
I dance: when I feel like it
I sing: when the music is very loud
I cry: when I get hurt
I do not always: change every single price tag at work ¬_¬
I write: nonsense
I confuse: me!
I can be found: on msn or aim if I like you.
I need: more sleep!
I'm happy: when I'm sleeping..and on payday. Whoo!
I should've: Gotten to bed earlier.
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