I really want to write, but everything in my WIP folder is either unappealing, depressing, or requires research (anyone want to teach me how to bluff at poker?). So, prompts!
Give me a fandom, pairing or gen, and a prompt, and I'll write you at least 100 words. Offerings on the table:
Stargate SG-1: gen, Jack/Daniel, others are debatable
Stargate Atlantis: gen, John/Rodney, Rodney/Carson, Carson/Teyla, ask about others
Harry Potter: gen, Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, ask about others
Eureka: gen, ask about others
X-Files: gen, Mulder/Scully UST
Supernatural: gen (no Wincest)
I will also take non-fannish (read: original) prompts, but you might have to be more specific.
And yes,
theemdash, if you prompt me the ivy prompt, I'll write it.