*chomp* *chomp* My, this hat tastes great..

Feb 17, 2007 14:10

This is a new one even for me.. evolution is evil judaism in disguise. That's right, 'secular evolution science is the Big Bang 15-billion year alternative creation scenario of the Pharisee Religion'. Einstein's kabbalism is responsible for that evil relativity thing (which is definitely the most hilarious creationist misunderstanding ever - they ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

merle_ February 17 2007, 19:36:46 UTC
Nooo... let Texas secede. Much better that way. Hey, they already have stores down there selling "Texas secede!" memorabilia, and have had them for decades.

"Big Bangism". There's a fun term. Just try to get a straight face out of a teenager when you say "bangism"...


meleah February 17 2007, 22:29:06 UTC
Ah, the past two weekends the Times has been full of interesting debate about the US as a whole breaking back down into city-states, the argument being that Schwarzenegger is already leading the way with California, and that autonomous regions make much more sense than the current highly polarised, basically unmanageable single country with skyrocketing population. New England on its own, California, the mid-west, the south.. if the south desperately wants to go to war with Iraq, say - then there's no reason New England has to. Wouldn't that be nice? Stem Cell research in California and New England can go ahead, the south and midwest can have their guns and no abortion and all those other things that make them happy. Sounds kind of like heaven. In fact a letter writer today pointed out the much lower loss of life (60 000, I think) and many other benefits that would have followed had the Union just let the Confederacy go in the Civil War...


merle_ February 18 2007, 16:08:35 UTC
I like that idea, I really do. Even smaller areas than states might be nice. I've often thought it would be nice if the SF bay area could secede from the rest of California. If you look at any political map, there's this big blue spot around us, with the rest of CA being mostly red.

I think that if it were put to a vote in the senate, though, it would fail miserably. Who would want to lose California? Honestly, the rest of the country thinks we're completely loony, but we make up like 15% of the GDP and an insane percentage of fruits and veggies. All we'd have to do is make a trade pact with Florida and create export taxes for citrus fruits, and the rest of the country would get scurvy...


sly_girl February 17 2007, 21:49:05 UTC
Oh, brilliant!


Who needs proof when you have links! (Although I did notice a missing one)


meleah February 17 2007, 22:31:07 UTC
Darling, I do love you and I did think that website was amusing but really.. if you checked all 90 links you really have too much time on your hands!


sly_girl February 18 2007, 07:17:45 UTC
Sweetie - I didn't check them, that was hilarity. Missing link - geddit?


meleah February 18 2007, 17:35:33 UTC
Ohhhh.. Don't be mean to the sick girl.


tcpip February 17 2007, 21:55:53 UTC

I'm surprised they don't adopt the biblical doctrine of a Flat Earth as well.

(I'll be posting this to covert_me


meleah February 17 2007, 22:30:23 UTC
Really? that's an odd journal for you to have. Surely you mean something else..


tcpip February 17 2007, 22:38:01 UTC

Er, yes ;-)



meleah February 17 2007, 22:51:58 UTC
That makes MUCH more sense! And nice post - puts it well. One day I should try writing sensibly in this thing.


tomble February 17 2007, 22:36:59 UTC
Didn't you know that atheists are really muslims?

FSTDT! Post of the Year for 2006

"No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims."

Trinidad and Tobago, CARM [Comments (162)] [2006-Oct-01]

If you don't read Fundies say the darndest things, you're missing out. Missing out on the TRUTH!


meleah February 17 2007, 22:48:21 UTC

<---- this is the sound of my brain breaking.

I suspect I don't read that for reasons of sheer self-preservation :).


sly_girl February 19 2007, 06:27:25 UTC
I ... I can't stop reading that site. DAMN YOUR EYES!


tomble February 19 2007, 07:04:41 UTC
It's like a terrible car crash, isn't it, you can't look away despite how it turns your stomach or sets your mind reeling.

Best of all, there are YEARS worth of quotes. And I've read most of them.


douglasbot February 17 2007, 23:38:37 UTC

Great points on the breaking of states into their own regions. Do you have a link to the article you mentioned (ONE OF 90?!)

Also have you seen the new right wing spinoff to counter the Daily Show? And i don't mean the Colbert Report...i mean the Half hour NEWS hour! HAW! Jesus it's godawful.


meleah February 18 2007, 17:42:33 UTC
Sure, here's the link. 'Fraid I can't find 90 more as yet, but I found the letters..

The original article from last week (and it seems the term was nation-state, not city-state. Too much Florentine history for me.)

Here's the letters in response this week

And no, I haven't seen the NEWS hour. Linky? (I know I'm going to regret this but..)


douglasbot February 18 2007, 21:23:49 UTC
Awesome. Thanks!

And here are links to some preview clips of the show. It's apparently starting tonight (Sunday your time). I would be surprised if it's on again...the paid audience laughter is especially great!


Less satire...less comedy...more hateful rhetoric and factless faux news talking points than you can shake a stick at. But it's FUNNY...see?


meleah February 18 2007, 21:37:41 UTC
Yeah two minutes after writing this I started reading the paper, and there was an entire article on it :). I'm scared.


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