I find the whole thing creepy, to be honest. I mean, people I didn't like in Junior High are contacting me. And they're all in grad school or travelling or doing these great things or whatever, and then I feel inadaquat. (One that doesn't make me feel bad but does make me laugh was in Miss Unive. Canada pagent. Hee.) It is really interesting, but other than totally stalking people, I'm having trouble seeing the point. (Not that I didn't spend like, an hour on the site last weekend, but still.)
i've managed to reconnect with some old friends, which is nice. but there are also some "friends" who are driving me crazy on it! for example, one guy keeps making up groups like "join if you think you exist" and "join if you think your existence is in question" and so on. seriously, he made 8 of these existence groups, and keeps inviting me to every one of them. uggh. i barely even like the guy.... /rant
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