
Mar 29, 2004 12:57

Apparently my aversion to credit cards has finally caught up with me. Yes, that's right. They won't give me a car. :( I always thought it was a good thing to stay away from the nasty things, but I guess I'm about to get one anyway, yeah. Co-signer, anyone? lol

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Comments 8

katz170 March 29 2004, 16:48:41 UTC
Credit cards help build your credit, which you need major help with :P

What bank are you trying to finance with?


melifur March 30 2004, 08:22:57 UTC
Any and or all. Actually I tried mine (G1) but that didn't fly so I'm trying some farmer's credit union up here that's supposed to help the little guy~ trying to get a smaller loan, maybe just 5,000 or something. Maybe I'll get a Bronco II 4X4, Chris and I will start a real live Bronco club! lol


Bummer... onlywhenibreath March 30 2004, 11:06:59 UTC
Hey Little Buckaroo,
Sorry about that. I know how much you want to get a car. Cam and I have been talking so we might be able to do something to help you out if it's at all possible with our financial situation. Any idea if they are taking Hailey this weekend?? We are going to a wedding and Hailey is invited so we wanted to keep her but we'll do whatever they want. Can you ask them to give us a call tonight??


P.S. I think the one word to describe you would be loquacious.


Re: Bummer... melifur March 30 2004, 13:04:25 UTC
*Raises fists* what's loquacious mean, huh? HUH? lol Thank you, I'm sure it's a compliment. Wow. I didn't expect anyone to actually have pity. Whatever that help may be, whether you can give it or not, please know you have my deepest appreciation. I think you're busy helping the rest of the world this week though, right? I'll definitely have them call you~ but if they leave a message, call back, ok, cause ya'll are not easy to get ahold of! :) Love ya!


Re: Bummer... onlywhenibreath March 30 2004, 13:24:36 UTC
It means very talkative. Cool word huh?? Yes we will call back. It's American Idol night so we should be home cause "She Bangs She Bangs"!!

Talk to ya later!!


Re: Bummer... melifur March 30 2004, 16:16:52 UTC
Don't you even start, little miss "lean on me!" :P The She Bangs guy makes me ill. There was a great article on him in Rolling Stone... Yes, that's a really cool word, and probably describes me better than it should. I think Piss and the Anti-Christ-y might REALLY have a house this time... more on that when we call tonite.


katz170 March 31 2004, 13:14:37 UTC
Okay, so where have you been lady? No updates! ACK! :(


melifur April 1 2004, 08:35:59 UTC
"sick" yesterday~ had to get some time by myself before I went postal! I'll post today, I promise.


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