
Apr 21, 2004 11:00

My landlord is now saying that I have to sign another year lease. These people are pissing me off so bad. I talked to Eric and he told me to come in at 9am yesterday morning~ to sign my lease. I get there, there's no lease. No body knows what's going on. He says we have to do a walk through. I'm telling him, there's all kinds of my stuff in there. ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

hrlyquin4 April 22 2004, 07:18:29 UTC
It makes me wonder why people make it difficult if they want to have a rental unit. My grandmother bends over backwards for the people in her apartment unit, and they have been there for years. I do not understand sometimes....

I hope it works out. =)


melifur April 22 2004, 08:15:58 UTC
Thank you~ he just knows that I need the place and my sister is responsible for the rent if I don't live there~ so he's covered either way and can afford to be a complete bastard. :) We're both going over there at once at 11:30 to "talk" to him~ not sure how that's going to go.


hrlyquin4 April 22 2004, 09:21:37 UTC
You should check up on things and see if there could be "complaints" made if he is not cooperative. LOL

People like that should be kicked sometimes...


melifur April 22 2004, 13:03:33 UTC
Um, yeah. We went to talk to him (with an appointment) and he wasn't there, hadn't told the secretary anything, nothing. Yes, if I don't get to move in there, I will definitely be making complaints, trust me!!! But, after everything is said and done~ I hope I can just get in with no more problems. Damn him!!!!


katz170 April 22 2004, 17:53:24 UTC
I don't understand, is Kristy on the lease? Are you subletting? I mean, he has the deposit right? A deposit is a deposit!


melifur April 23 2004, 08:39:11 UTC
That's what I'm saying!! Dude, it's frustrating. Yeah, she's on the lease~ and I'm trying to take over~ and he wants a whole new deposit.


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