Sitting at home in the dark, empty house...all I can do is sit and reflect.
There is a cut for "Offensive" content...if you call the truth offensive.
I do not know if it is just me...but does anyone else feel this whole "californian revolution" is [for the lack of a better vocabulary] messed up?
First off, why are legal immigrants who have the right to liberties that a citizen does [generous liberties] boycotting for illegal immigrants? Why are they hurting their own selves? All they are causing is hostility from American citizens toward "those dirty Mexicans". The majority of illegal citizens are hispanic [which is why everyone is focusing on them] but there are still many asians, other cultures, etc.
One of the reasons this really upsets me is because my grandfather and my mom's side of the family are hispanic. They may not look like stereotypical "mexicans" [Grandpa Baca: Whats a Me'ican look li'e?] but they are and what they went through to get here makes what the illegal immigrants are doing today look like cake. My Grandfather and his family were part of the migrant movement where they were exploited but they were legal and suffered a shitload to get where they are.
Assholes that are selfish enough to risk what others have worked so hard for don't deserve an easy ride.
Another reason this upsets me is...if I went into another country illegally, I wouldn't receive half the tolerance they receive. Especially into Mexico. God, they'd kill half a civilization before letting riots like today happen. Of course, this is why those assholes are doing it here. Only in America can you do crap like this without being shot at or worse.
If they really wanted to solve the problem, the entire reason why they came to the United States, then they should boycott in their own country and solve their own problem. Not turn our country into chaos.
Sure, I understand they want "rights" just like us and, as one of their signs said "We have dreams too".
Great. Follow the law, come back when you've earned those dreams. It's not my fault you weren't born in American and it's definitely not America's fault either. If you want citizenship, get in line with everyone else.
I swear this issue pisses me off like no other. I can honestly say I don't know what they are fighting for. Why should they have rights in a country that they are in illegally?
Plus, they say that they shouldn't have to put up with such low wages. Well, fuck that. They were the ones to accept those wages to live here and if it is such a problem, go home. Go home to where you belong and stop hurting others for your own selfish needs. The only reason anyone wants illegal immigrants here is to help big corporate businesses.
And I hear some ignorant "white folk" say: "Well they aren't hurting me because I don't want to pick strawberries." Sorry to break it to you, Mr./Mrs.Uneducated but in certain states like Georgia where the lower class is the majority of the population, those jobs are important for citizens. Just because your prissy white ass doesn't mow your lawn or clean your house...
At least in California that is the case. I don't know if I'm just a nazi when it comes to this or if California really is full of "fruits & nuts" [as my lovely father likes to say] but this is a serious issue. California consists mainly of a middle class and that middle class has to pay taxes on: illegals who get sent to prison, illegal children who are just born so their selfish families can stay here, illegals who get hurt or sick, etc.
I'm hoping the protests have really opened peoples eyes. But not for the reason those who were protesting are fighting for.
Reasoning I hear from my more "liberal" peers:
"Why should I care? It doesn't affect me!" (Says the girl who wears $500 pants)
"Let them be. What if someone wanted to take you away from your family?" (First off, I wouldn't be illegally living in someone else's country)
"This wall is stupid. It's just like the Berlin Wall. Plus it is not going to work." (That wall kept people in, this wall is trying to keep people out I promise it will work)
My peers! My generation! Your future, our future is being lived by others who have committed a felony [or at least their family did]. It is being wasted on kids who do not speak english, don't intend to learn english, and intend to only gain a labor level job.
You got a problem with what I said? Great. I want to hear your opinion. Think I'm not feeling enough sympathy for these poor, victimized felons? Tell me so.
Otherwise, I'm done for the Goddamn day.