1/2 marathon training day 42...

Jul 20, 2008 09:12

Goal: 6 mile walk -- 3 minutes warmup, 90-120 minutes brisk pace, 2 minutes cooldown.
Start time: 12:30am
End time: 2:00am (gym time)
Miles: 6.0
Route: Elliptical on manual mode level 1.
Tunes: 2 zencasts, then some misc music that was there, no podrunner today...
Temp/Climate: 80 in the gym, but much less humid than outside.

Lessons learned:
beach walking is a good warmup stretch for walking, but then I'm tired.

Apparently I can ellipt 3 miles in less than 40 minutes, even when I'm doing it twice. I had to stop midway to go refill my water bottle, so I just did 2 3-mile segments. It remains to be seen whether I can walk 3 miles that quickly on pavement. I suspect not. Once fall comes around, I expect I'll have to start this training program over again and do it all outside in real-race conditions.
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