Sunday: 15 minute recovery walk -- time pacing around the airport should count.
Monday: 20 minutes cross training -- 25 minutes deep water running and stretches + climbing later. It was a pretty good climbing night, did a 5.4 for warmup, then some belays, then that 5.3 & 5.2 in rapid succession again. Still hard, but easier than it was last time. I'm trying to climb a little more mindfully, though I still occasionally forget to breathe.
Tuesday: I failed to look at the calendar, and thought I had a 45 minute walk on schedule, so I walked to/from metro and then did 3 miles in 38 minutes at the gym. Now that I look at the calendar, I realize I was supposed to do a 60 minute walk. Oops! Well, I'll have to make that up on thursday. Wish me luck!