day 53 : rest day
day 54: 60 minute walk, then more walking to/from the doc's office and around the office neighborhood, and then more walking with R in takpk
day 55: rest day -- doctors again, and baltimore with KP
day 56: 7 mile walk. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. After mile 5 I was ready to be done. Maybe it's just the mental block of "you have to walk 7 miles" that was sittig on my motivation. Maybe it's that the gym was mobbed, maybe I just should have slept in another couple of hours. Nagi came to the gym, and was around for about half of my first 3.25 miles, then I did the next 2.25, stopped to readjust my shoes which were giving me elliptical-toe by that time, and then finished the last mile and a half. Then D and I had a lovely indian lunch from udupi palace, and then wandered all over the place looking for patio furni. No luck, though we did get some pot feet for the pots I have, so I can move them up on the patio and a couple of pretty blue pots to plant pretty things in... We'll see what's going on at the farmer's market tomorrow and maybe come home with something nice to plant.