Some people, Im looking at you Adam Levermore, also known as the Thinks Awful Highly of Himself:
lexigeek are just unbelievable assholes.
I'm glad that I don't keep worthless people like that in my life. They just bring you down.
Thank god there are real men in the world that respect their friends, their relationships and their responsibilities, and act
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Comments 2
What did this unbelievable asshole do?
Needs To Know With No Intentions Of Ever Being A Rumormonger Ever
Eh. Long story short: He was a very good friend of mine. I am also very bestest friends with his (now ex)wife- when I met them, it was as a couple. (We all met through Browncoat stuff) anyhow, he was always very big on the look at me, look at me, I'm a leader!And a great guy! kind of thing.
So he totally took up with a tramp! had an affair and took this really high and mighty road about his infidelity, the whole time. Really decided it was justified. Didn't seem to care about his wife or two kids, just his penis.
I don't have time for people like that, and told him so, when he came asking if we could be friends again.
Annyhow. I guess he recently sent an email to our circle of friends to clarify when he was/or wasn't humping the tramp. But now they _are_ together so, its all happy times!
I think some other people laughed in his face too, this time around...
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