melissa, that is why you need to drink caffiene. take it from me, even though i cannot spell caffiene most of the time, i'm trying to become a medical doctor so i can give valuable advice like this on a daily basis. take this valuable advice now while i'm giving it for free, because when i am a certified OB-GYN i will not be giving it away for free, and will in fact be charging out the wazoo so i can have ten kids and a gorgeous wife like the world's most famous OB-GYN dr. cliff huxtable of the cosby show fame. why did they call it the cosby show when it was about a man named cliff huxtable? that would be like if frasier was called "the kelsey grammar show". stupid if you ask me, but hey, bill cosby is a millionaire so who am i to question his judgement! it got him this far! cheers melissa!
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