Title: When Teenage Tennis Players Play "Truth Or Dare?" - Chapter Five
Author: Mee-chan
Fandom: Prince Of Tennis
Pairings: Various pairings.
Rating: (Hard) R
Word Count: 1466
Disclaimer: Prince Of Tennis. Is. Not. Mine.
Notes: Another chapter for everyone! This one is definately amusing (although in my opinion will not top chapter four) For some reason
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Comments 43
Who's left at the end of this?
Eiji, Oishi, Yuuta, Fuji, Mizuki, Yanisagawa, Sengoku, Shinji, Kamio, Kaidoh, Inui and Jiroh.
Although that number too will decrease...
WOOT! <---got her MomoRyo fix just now. :D
This chapter was so....*______* And I thought the part with Atobe giving Tezuka the lap dance was hot! XP
Crap, now I've lost track of who's left now. LOL Too many hot PoT boys to keep track of all at once. :) But all I know is...
ZOMFG YOUR ICON. o_____O ROFL *dies*
:) Yesss MomoRyo forever! ♥
Oh you ain't seen nothing yet. *___*
Mmm I love the lap dance part the best, to be honest. I had so much fun writing that.
Who's still playing: Eiji, Oishi, Fuji, Mizuki, Yuuta, Yanisagawa, Shinji, Kamio, Kaidoh, Inui, Sengoku, Jiroh.
Who's gone: Atobe/Tezuka (duh), Shishido/Choutarou, Gakuto/Oshitari, Kawamura/Tachibana, Momo/Ryoma and then Dan left out of disgust. Hah.
♥ I <3 Shinji/Kamio. I want to write them someday too. :)
YEEESSSS. *uses MomoRyo icon to show love*
Oh lord. o____O I have much to learn then! Or in this case, read. XP I loved that too, it was probably just as much fun reading it as it was for you writing it.
Ahh...so thats who's left. *lost count* But when you have almost all the PoT boys together its easy to lose count. ^^;;
*snerks* Poor traumatized Dan. *pats head* He needs to get a girlfriend. Since it was obviously shown he can't handle a boyfriend. ROFL
AND I SHALL MAKE YOU WRITE THEM. XD Seriously, I will. Maybe I'll give you a prompt or something to get you started. :) We need more ShinjixKamio love dammit! ><
OMG I LOVE IT TOO. I K'OED when I saw it. XPP Kaurpin has been one naughty kitty...
YAY MOMORYO! *hearts and squishes*
You will probably not be expecting what occurs in the last two chapters, it's so freaking hilarious and hot. I really love writing outrageous fics like this, it makes writing so much fun.
Yes I actually had to look back and see who was left, I put so many people in this, I messed up with the turn order when I wrote it. Haha.
Aww Dan really does need a girlfriend. I totally ship Dan/Akutsu though because Akutsu secretly loves Dan. :) ♥ I should have put Akutsu in this... Oh dear.
They will be written! SOMEDAY! I have another Fujicest piece to finish and a Kamio/Ann (YES HET OMGZ) piece to start. And then damn I should probably do the Tezuka/Atobe one..after they leave because I'd been dying to write something smutty about them for awhile. Lol. ;]
ROFLMAO! Karupin is such a dirty kitty, in absolute lust with Kaidoh, it's freaking adorable! I <3 this icon to death. (Although I wish I knew who made it because they deserve cookies!) ♥
*drools* ...Atobe...
And fukubuchous are sexy too.
Sanada and Saeki...oh my gawd are they HOT. *dies*
They're so sexy, hot, and nosebleed-inducing!
I was going to start naming hot buchous and fukubuchous, but then I realised that the list would probably become really, really long (especially after I start adding other non-buchou/fukubuchous - because I'm weak and I can't resist) ^^;;
This is all your doing, Konomi!! Making fangirls all over the world hot and flustered over your characters! T_T
;D Konomi-sensei is a genius for making us fangirls like this! ♥
*squishes everyone*
Who's still playing: Eiji, Oishi, Fuji, Mizuki, Yuuta, Yanisagawa, Shinji, Kamio, Kaidoh, Inui, Sengoku, Jiroh.
Who's gone: Atobe/Tezuka (omfg that lap dance), Shishido/Choutarou, Gakuto/Oshitari, Kawamura/Tachibana, Momo/Ryoma and then Dan left out of disgust. Hah.
“I hope you guys used protection!” called out Oishi to the pair, in his I’m-so-worried-about-everyone voice.
That's sooo our fukubuchou Oishi! ^__^
(The Fujicest isn't done yet...ummm but it's coming along...it's a different style from the last one I did)
I really, really love that line. XD
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