(no subject)

Feb 17, 2004 00:45

Sin: *seduces Merin*

Merin: ~is seduced~

Sin: *stuffs Merin in a big fluffy ballgown made from shadows*

Merin: o.o

Sin: ee is so beeyootiful

Merin: o.O

Sin: *smudges some shadows over Merin's eyes to look like makeup* hold still so I can do the lips...

Merin: O.o

Sin: *finishes*

Merin: ... ~hides~

Sin: *tugs the shadow dress with Merin in it to him*

Merin: >.<

Sin: what?

Merin: It's a dress

Sin: I made it for you :D

Merin: Couldn't you have made me a nice tasteful dress suit or something?

Sin: I like the puffy skirts

Merin: ~sulks~

Sin: *cuddles*

Merin: ... ~cuddles back~

Sin: :D

Merin: Don't like dresses. ~nuzzle~

Sin: of course not. That's why I did it.

Merin: Your logic makes my head hurt

Sin: I exist for that. Hey, if I helped a mass murderer, would you be annoyed?

Merin: Yes. I mean, no. >.< Which answer will make sure you don't do it?

Sin: I dunno. Vanyon asked really nicely and I think we're sort of associated, as a species >.>

Merin: Wait, what was the name? Isn't he a vampire? ~violent unconscious shuddering~

Sin: Vampire. You know. Happy creatures of darkness, shadows, cetera. :D

Merin: O.O I don't think you should help him. Vampires are nasty

Sin: they appeal to me.

Merin: ...of course they do

Sin: *dissolves Merin's dress, but leaves the makeup*

Merin: ~wraps wings around himself for modesty's sake~

Sin: *pets the wings*

Merin: Sin?

Sin: yes?

Merin: Just don't bring him here, ok?

Sin: but I offered him the couch and everything.

Merin: ...fine. ~goes to his room and starts packing~

Sin: I was joking. *peers around the corner*

Merin: Don't care

Sin: he doesn't even know I know you.

Merin: His wife tried to eat me when I was little. Pardon me if I don't feel like repeating the experience

Sin: I won't let any nasty vampires bite you. *pets*

Merin: Mmm. ~shrugs him off~

Sin: >.< *tries again*

Merin: ~slings the pack over his shoulder and opens the window~ Have fun with your vampire

Sin: *makes chains around Merin's feet*

Merin: ~shakes them off~ Stop that

Sin: *makes more and binds Merin*

Merin: ~ticked off~ Let go

Sin: *glares* no. *bars the window*

Merin: ~hops out the door and down the hall, managing to flop out the back door~

Sin: *dissolves the bars on the window and leaps out to catch Merin* *darts under a tree when he notices the sun* o.o bother

Merin: ~shifts, snapping the chains in the process, and picks up the pack carefully in his claws~

Sin: *tackles Merin*

Merin: ~shakes him off~ Leave me alone. You want to go hang out with a murdering fiend, go ahead. I'm going to go visit my aunt

Sin: >.< I won't help him.

Merin: I don't care anymore, Sin. ~flies off in the general direction of the Shire~

Sin: *rolls eyes and teleports on top of Merin* I think you're overreacting

Merin: ~dumps him off~ It won't be the last time, probably. Just let me go for now, would you? I'll see you later

Sin: *sad look*

Merin: ~flies off~

Sin: >.< *teleports off to go find something horrible to do*

Sin: *steals Merin's shadow*

Merin: ~takes a long walk in the woods when he lands, trying to shove all his vampire issues back down~

Sin: *folds the shadow up carefully and hides it away* *sits down and tries to remember how to control people with them*

Merin: ~starts to feel sick after an hour and starts flying back to the house~

Sin: *tries to make Merin feel guilty*

Merin: ~doesn't quite make the house, but manages to crash rather spectacularly into the tree in his garden~

Sin: *glares at the shadow and focuses harder*

Merin: ~changes back, falls out of the tree, and is very very sick in the garden~ Ick. ~notices something when he's bent over~ Ah, blast it

Sin: *shreds the shadow in frustration*

Merin: ~collaspes on the stairs~ >.O

Sin: >.< *starts piecing it back together*

Merin: ~in agony~ sin, blast you. give me back my shadow. ~closes his eyes tight~

Sin: *holds up a slightly mishapen shadow and frowns at it*

Merin: ~still can't manages much in the way of a proper yell~ sin!

Sin: *teleports to see Jade*

Jade: Hm? Oh, hi, honey. How're you? :feeding the baby:

Sin: Merin sucks. *sits on a chair and tugs his legs up* *mope*

Jade: :puts Opal back in her crib and goes over to him, wrapping her arms around him: Wanna tell me about it?

Sin: I talked about Vanyon and Merin got really angry, packed his stuff and ran off. o.o and then I stole his shadow but I couldn't get that controlling trick to work and I sorta broke it.

Jade: You broke his shadow? :fret: What will that do to Merin?

Sin: o.o I dunno.

Jade: Ooh.

Sin: >.< stupid Merin.

Jade: About the Vanyon thing :disapproving look:, Merin probably has a phobia of vampires. Thuringwethil snatched him when he was a baby, and Noro got bitten and very sick from it to get him back

Sin: but I said I wouldn't!

Merin: ~languishes on the stairs in his house~

Jade: Hm. Well, sometimes people get upset, and even something like that won't make them feel better

Sin: he even knocked me off when I went on him while he was flying

Jade: :frowns: He did what? Damn dragbit. :fusses over Sin: Are you all right?

Sin: *nods* ;_;

Jade: :holds: I don't like that he tried to kill you

Sin: ...I should give his shadow back. o.o

Jade: Probably

Sin: *hugs Jade and vanishes*

Sin: *reappears beside Merin*

Merin: ~deathly ill~

Sin: *slips the broken shadow on merin*

Merin: ~starts getting better~

Sin: *looks guilty*

Merin: ~curls into a ball, wrapping his wings around himself and ignoring the stairs digging into his back~

Sin: *scoops Merin up and teleports back to Merin's apartment* *puts him into bed*

Merin: ~sleeps~

Sin: *guilty look* *vanishes*
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