where even did my phone go?
greatest into sequence ever. EVER.
i love the way the caption things are animated.
woops. found my phone. (and missed a call. /derp)
"rule #4: fasten your seatbelt; it's gonna be a bumpy ride." fantastic.
such a great voice over. #swoon #jesseeisenberg
omg he has a cute-ass nose
oh he's so cute. <3
having watched a lot of jesse's interviews, i feel like columbus /is/ jesse.
lol. love the smooth jazz.
hearing jesse swear is both hilarious and adorable.
silly boy. don't you know hitch hiking's illegal?
"you almost knocked over your alcohol with your knife." pffft.
man. such a badass. XD
i feel like this is just gonna be me quoting the movie and fawning over jesse and/or columbus. #becausehessoadorable
did he really just use "i gotta take the browns to the super bowl" as a euphemism for "i gotta shit"? #whateven #onlyanohion
dude, i'd tap that.
unf. pasty, shirtless jesse.
dude, i'd DOUBLE TAP that. ahahaha. get it?!
lol. love all the euphemisms for having sex. (and the word "euphemism" in general.)
and his very obviously made up story.
"what, are you prospecting?"
oh man, i LOVE this scene. something about the way florida lures out zombies with a banjo. and then KILLS them with the banjo. and then they team up to kill the other zombie... (not quite zombie kill of the week, but definitely awesome.)
you've just been CONNED, bitches!
ah rednecks. good for something after all.
that dog is frakking adorable. <3
"i hate to give credit to anyone who looks like yosemite sam, but i'm writing it down. rule #32: enjoy the little things."
you just got CONNED, bitches! (again. seriously, guys?)
"she's like a... crouching tiger." "... you got taken hostage by a /twelve year old/?"
"we can't just drive down the road playing i spy or some shit for two hours like four normal-ass americans?!"
oh poor columbus. D: i wanna give him a hug.
he looks so heartbroken. D:
lol. the old woman with the piano. XD so totally zombie kill of the week.
i love the way the rebound of his double barrel forces him up on the balls of his feet. #weirdbutwhatever
i love all the random convos in the car. it's like that fantastic scene in stand by me.
i can't believe that they let the twelve year old drive.
"she's only famous when she's hannah montana, when she's wearing the wig!"
i can't believe radio stations are still running. and playing 'popular' from wicked.
and his neck and his adam's apple and his general awkwardness... *sigh* perfection.
"oh, this is so exciting! you're about to learn who you're gonna call!"
lol bill murray. hilarious.
i love the hookah and the 'ghost busters' reenactment. <3
man, the part where columbus realizes buck is actually a kid is so sad. :( poor florida.
oh man, columbus on that motorcycle. <3 and florida quoting 'babe' as a good bye. Xd and columbus crashing that motorcycle. <333
god, that would be terrifying. D:
columbus saying "time to nut up or shut up" in his awkward nervous jesse eisenberg voice is frakking adorable. #swoon
his aim is spectacular for someone riding a rollercoaster.
so good at zombie killing! :O
kiss the girl! you sexy boy you.
d'aaw. they're like a family! <33333
favorite things about zombieland:
1) columbus's rules.
2) the great dialogue.
3) the fact that the characters are pretty well developed, especially for an action/comedy.
4) it pulls off the voice over pretty well. as well as kkbb, i'd say. (and way better than 500 dos.)
5) the badass zombie fighting scenes.