Oct 13, 2004 15:28
Yeah, how was Wilco's performance last Sunday?
It was sold out when I went to buy tickets.
I was disappointed.
May 16, 2004 21:08
Being in Oxford always results in a good time.
It was good seeing everyone.
Mar 27, 2004 21:48
Matt LaPinta and myself took 3rd place at the Variety Show.
We won twenty bucks.
Jan 07, 2004 22:29
900 miles is a long long long long ways in a car
Dec 17, 2003 18:24
I have contracted some kind of skin bacteria from all this wrestling. It cuts open my skin then proceeds to scab up. It is also highly contagious. I have a spot on my arm and a spot on my hand. It sucks.
Nov 15, 2003 16:58
Yeah, this lady thought I was a girl.
I get out of the passenger's side of the Suburban and some lady goes "Hey Jane!"
As soon as she realized it was me, she turned her head and walked the other way.
Funny stuff.
Oct 25, 2003 13:40
Wed, 11/05/03
8:00 pm Shelter
Detroit, MI
Who want's to go with me?
It's only 8 bucks.