Gushy Update! (Be forewarned...)

Feb 22, 2006 08:56

Ben got back from Brazil yesterday! It's so good to have him around again. :-) I really missed him a lot ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

awwww pragertorussia February 22 2006, 19:25:17 UTC
Y'all are just so rootin' tootin' cute. I'm glad Ben made it back safe and sound. And Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!


Re: awwww mellanella February 25 2006, 14:29:22 UTC
Thanks! :-)


anonymous February 23 2006, 09:33:58 UTC
I've got a sugar rush just listening to you. Ugh. Now I feel like I've eaten my Halloween candy in 30 seconds. Puking to commence soon.


mellanella February 25 2006, 14:29:33 UTC
*hands over a barf bucket*


OH THE SAP!!! hobofat February 24 2006, 06:28:31 UTC
SAPPY! but sap is fun when it's yourself ;-)


Re: OH THE SAP!!! mellanella February 25 2006, 14:29:56 UTC
Haha, very true :-)


katrina2005 February 24 2006, 15:17:25 UTC
Awww thats so cute!! and you're so awesome because you let us stay with you last night. Thanks!!! Happy late Valentine's Day!!


mellanella February 25 2006, 14:30:05 UTC
You're welcome!


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