The idea is simple and oft' repeated: I request that someone ask me some questions and then answer them in a post. In the post, I offer to give questions to anyone who feels like an excuse for making a post. If you'd like to take me up on the offer, post "interview me" in a comment.
1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would probably hire itself off as a expert tree cutter to the stars. After two years of hiring others to do the woodcutting, it would retire early and write its memoir detailing its woodchucking adventures. It would have never, in fact, chucked wood.
2) What's the meaning of life?
Try not to step on too many ants.
3) Think of something you want. More than anything else in your life. What wouldn't you be willing to do to get it?
Most things. I can't really think of anything extraordinary that I would do. I'm not one for theatrics, even less so one to be rude. Anything I really want right now, and don't have, would require heavy dosages of both.
4) Invent a barbie doll. Tell me her name. What accessories does she come with?
Her name is Jill. She comes equipped with a computer, an active internet connection and self loathing. Self Loathing, actually: it's her teddy bear.
5) Who's your mama?
I have two theoretical answers:
venus_blue is more contextually appropriate, Anne B. is more honest. It's a good thing I've never been honest.