Title: Texting Part 10
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Just random texts between Kurt and Puck
A/N: Haven't posted for this story in a while.
Master list Who’s idea was this?
Who came up with us hanging out with our friends, I’m bored
I’m sorry, but you’re going to get us in trouble
You wouldn’t have responded if they were near you
They’re trying clothes on
That’s boring
To you. I’m sure what you’re doing is boring to me
See? And they’re coming out so, I need to go
Fine. Love you
You too
Well, that was an interesting day
Oh, I guess you’re still with the guys. Okay. Text/Call me when you get finished.
I guess it turned into a sleep over
Hey babe
Oh man! Had the craziest weekend! I forgot how giggly Mike is when he gets drunk!
Yeah. Saturday we all got so hammered. Mike couldn’t stop giggling, like, not even laughing, but giggling! Then Matt started hiccupping and couldn’t stop! Finn is a moody drunk
So, what did you guys do Sunday?
Well, we woke up at like 3 and then had a monster movie marathon! Which was a dumb idea because those girls scream REALLY loud!
And they spent the night Sunday night?
No, went home at like eleven.
What’s wrong?
Nothing, I just need to pay attention
But it’s history! I can tutor you in history! Talk to me instead.
Please??? Haven’t talked to you ALL weekend!
I don’t get why you’re so mad.
You were the one that said we needed to hang out with our friends
I was content to spend Saturday with you, curled up on your couch watching cartoons
Fine, be that way
Screw you too…
Are we still fighting?
We were never “fighting”
Then why did you ignore me?
I was in class
No, I was really in class. You can ask my teacher
Not what I meant you know it
You could have at least told me
You could have told me that you were going to spend Sunday with them too. I was worried and hurt and don’t want to talk about this anymore
Too bad. I’m sorry but I got caught up in hanging out with the guys again that I just kinda forgot
You forgot about me?
NO! That’s not what I meant!
It’s what it sounded like
I could never forget about you! I love you! I love you a thousand times! I could never forget about you
Apparently you can.
Kurt don’t do this!
Kurt, come on.
Not now Puck, I have other things to do then talk to you
Kurt, don’t do this
Kurt! I’m coming to talk to you!
If I see you AT ALL before school is over, we’re over.
I need to think. Simple as that
As soon as that bell rings, we’re talking, face to face
Assuming you find me
Trust me, I’ll find you.