The diagnosis is in and Blighted Ovum sounds more like an Emo band than a medical term.
Basically even though the egg is slooooooooowly developing there's no chance it will grow into a viable embryo. Eventually my body is going to reject it and I'll miscarry. This is incredibly common and always happens because of some sort of genetic issue. I've been given something to speed up the process (I go to ASL camp in two weeks so we want to be sure it's over by then and I'm safe).
The past week has been... difficult. I needed to be screened while at camp because my doctors were really worried that it was an ectopic pregnancy. I was given a letter to take to the hospital and told to have an ultrasound and blood test no later than Wednesday.
Monday morning the camp Nurse drove me to Lachute (a 1/2 hour drive) and I presented my letter at the ER. The triage nurse looked at me as though I'd shown up in an OR with a splinter and told me I'd have to wait. After two hours I was called into an examining room where I sat, then paced, then sat, for over an hour without anyone coming in. Finally the Dr. showed up, read the letter, poked me, left me sitting for another ten minutes and then came back to inform me that there would be no ultrasound. There was no tech until Aug. 2nd.
After the Dr. left I burst into tears. I felt like crap for going in there -- I had wasted all those hours of my time and the Nurse's time for nothing and I was, again, made to feel as though my request was irrational and unwarrented. She came back with the forms I needed to have the ultrasound done privately and asked me why I was crying. Ummmm... hello? You have the letter about my upcoming miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy in front of you and you just told me to hit the bricks. What did you expect? She left again and a nurse eventually showed up to do the blood draw (which hurt like hell btw).
But wait... the fun's not over yet...
The following morning I get a phone call. The Lab screwed up the blood work. Could I please come back for another blood draw? That evening we drive back to Lachute, I do the test and find out they are shipping the blood to St. Jerome -- 20 minutes or so away from camp! It takes them until Thursday to *finally* give me the results and I never managed to get the Ultrasound (they wanted me to have it Aug. 4th).
So yeah, not my best camp ever. I have to say though, the staff made me feel like I was a rockstar and these kids were so damn supportive. The camp itself was great and my kids had a wonderful time. Th'Boy is back at the Scout camp. He's an "ambassador" to a bunch of Chinese Scouts. Be afraid, be very afraid.