I just looked and I haven't posted since beginning on March...
Started working nights, been over 2 months now, I guess I'm fairing ok. Weekends are a hard adjustment when there's things going on, and then I'm fighting to stay awake Sunday night at work. My people are great for the most part, just minor bickering and crap to put up with, but if that's the worst then I'll take it since that's what they pay me the big bucks for, YAY for shift pay!!!
March: Keys was here, so was Smoo so we froze our butts off watching the St. Patty's Day parade in the city... been there, done that, not going back. Whoa, the whole family was together for dinner and to see Avenue Q which was totally hilarious.
Jubb and I went down to Baltimore to see the Sox at O's with Bro and Annie, froze out butts off in the cold and rain... Go Sox!
Smoo and I embarked on our 'baseball roadtrip' Ended up hitting Miller Park in Milwaukee, US Cellular Field and Wrigley in Chicago, the brand new Busch Stadium in St. Louis, and Kauffman in Kansas City all in 6 days. Smoo was a little baseballed out, but he's ok he got to drink a whole lot of beer. It was a loooooot of driving, we did the sights in Chicago; Sears tower, Navy pier, Shedd aquarium, found this awesome place Joe's Be-Bop cafe that has live jazz bands. Did the arch in St. Louis, that's about it in that city along with the stadium. Kansas City is building up, so that city should be good in a few years. Met Smoo's great uncle and aunt, silly old people... remind me of my gramps.
Then we did the very long, very boring 9 hour drive to Denver, Kansas is THE WORST STATE it's so freaking boring!!!
I should prolly work on getting those pics posted online somewhere. Since I was planning this trip since October, I got game tickets when they went on sale, which was the smartest thing I've actually done in a while. For the Brewers we were in row 12 behind home plate (not that there were that many people there, only like 32K) and those were $38 (by far the cheapest for behind homeplate since most stadiums those seats are premium) the funniest was a season ticket guy asked me if I was a Phillies and a Brewers fan "well, today I am".
For the White Sox we were in the nose-bleeds, freakin had to go win so EVERYONE wants to be their fans this year, I just wanted to go to one game... grrrrr so we were in sec. 510 for $14 (yea, 2 sections from the end, grumble grumble)
I totally LOVE Wrigley... it's the history, 1914 was a long time ago :-P that and since they were playing the marlins I got KICK-ASS seats 1st base side, row 3 right behind where the visiting pitchers warm up, where all the season ticket holders are, totally worth the $43. It was cool once again explaining how we were in town for the game just passing through on my way to eventually hit all the stadiums.
And then there's the Inaugural season at the new Busch stadium where practically everyone and their mom got season tickets, so we ended up in the outfield, which was ok but not worth the $38, it was like 45 out that night and kinda drizzly but I was more than prepared w/ ponchos, blankets, seat cushions and a space blanket :-P
And then our Thurs afternoon game in KC with the Twins in town. There were 11K in attendance, we were just laughing the entire time. We were in row S behind the dugout for $27 for really good seats, not that it really mattered cuz we coulda moved since there was no one there, cuz it's the Royals!
All in all, I watched baseball and Smoo drank beer for the week and I'm 5 stadiums closer to 30!!!
Oh, which prompted Smoo to call me a "baseball whore" and for Billy and Jubb to agree. I'm not a fan, I root for my teams (Mariners and Phillies and occasionally the Cubs and Bo Sox) and boo the ones I hate (Yanks, Giants, Braves). Speaking of the giants...
Jubb and I were in Philly when the giants were in town, we were in left field so we were right there to boo and get in on the chants against Bonds when he was in the field, it was awesome, oh and the tickets were free from last year :-P
And then we went to Corteo in the city w/ yas which was completely fabu, I loved it so much I almost cried.
For mother's day, mom came down and I took her to Lion King, I got 4th row mezz in the middle, it was so awesome I was crying.
And then last weekend Jubb and I were back in Philly for the Sox series, in which the Sox won Fri and Sat when I was there and they lost Sun when I wasn't.
That should be about it.
Ciao for now!