If the colloquial definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, can someone explain why women (myself included) try on, buy and wear uncomfortable shoes?
Yeah, and those ones all have the heels ground down. I was stuck wearing something this weekend that'd go with skinny jeans -- so my usual tall boots were out because they don't zip over jeans -- and they were comfortable when I tried them on but not so much after standing around for 3 hours at a party. And then, since I obviously didn't learn, I wore those jeans again Sunday -- so I had to wear the same shoes again too. I swear when I padded past those shoes this morning in my slippers, my feet cringed in protest and horror.
Yeah, up at my parents' house I've got another pair of boots that should zip over said skinny jeans. Fingers crossed. Meantime I'm not sure wearing those jeans will happen again until I can find heeled footwear that works with them.
Yeah, I have a box of shoes in my closet, many of which fall into that category. Some of them were even comfortable once upon a time but my feet have since changed their mind and I can't bear to get rid of the shoes.
About why I behave like that... and people in general.
We all have patterns which are ingrained in us through prior experience. The potential root causes of such patterns fascinate me. The truth seems to fall somewhere between Freud and Jung... but of course being an opinionated fool, I have my own theories. I suppose the simplest answer is, we all want what we can't have.
Comments 23
We all have patterns which are ingrained in us through prior experience. The potential root causes of such patterns fascinate me. The truth seems to fall somewhere between Freud and Jung... but of course being an opinionated fool, I have my own theories. I suppose the simplest answer is, we all want what we can't have.
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