Useless memes!

Jul 13, 2006 23:44

Whoa, 2 entries in one day. I need to lay off on the el-zhay.

1. Take the lyrics to a favorite song.
2. Go to Google Language Tools and translate the lyrics into German; then from German to French;
and finally from French back into English.
3. Post the results verbatim.
4. Invite your friends to guess the song based on the newly mangled lyrics.

"I live with each word the eye other we meet still some rain and me surprise the night wet, as we remove those with pain can you that be, me find surely and like the good love be, like it have lose, as it have not find me know these eye but I see a beauty me know there always that it be false, you love by far but it be a Verrücktheit you recognize my pain can you that be to find me with Safe and with clay"

Heh, good luck with that...

[Relationship Status] - Dan!
[Parents still together] - yes
[Siblings] - brother
[pets] - cat and turtle

[Color] - turquoise
[Number] - 3, 7
[Animal] - cats, dogs, horses, rats
[Book] - just one? boo.
[Flower] - lilacs, roses, lilies, daffodils

[Twirl your hair?] - occasionally
[Have tattoos?] - no, but I think I'd like one
[Cheat on tests?] - no
[Like roller coasters?] - gaa only the little kid ones
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sometimes
[Like cleaning?] only when I'm stressed; it's therapeutic to put some part of your life in order
[Write in cursive or print?] - cursive, nearly always. It seems more efficient.
[Know how to drive?] - oui
[Own a cell phone?] - "
[Ever get off the internet?] - I really should more, I should go read a book instead of finishing this sheazy. Oh, well.

[Been in a fist fight?] - no
[Considered being a hooker?] - in semi-jest when I get my student loan statements, arggh. Maybe donating eggs? haha
[Been in love?] - yes
[Made out with JUST a friend?] - yeah, and then we went out.
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] - not on purpose
[Current clothing]- dirty farm and flower shirt b/c i still have to shower - and pj boxers. scrub-ariffic...
[Current hair] - up
[Current thing I ought to be doing] - cleaning, reading, showering, sleeping
[currently playing] - coming in to land by badly drawn boy
[Last movie you saw] - the stewie movie at matt's!
[last thing you ate] - piece of b-day cake i made for my mom, ohhh groood
[Believe there is life on other planets?] - yes
[Read the newspaper?] - yes, the Globe, because the UL's typos/general shittiness always make me want to punch something by about 5 minutes in
[Hate yourself?] - no
[Collect anything?] - horsie figurines
[Like your handwriting?] - it's too sloppy

[First crush] - ? I can't remember, maybe 3rd grade?
[you believe in love at first sight?] - not really
[you believe in "the one?"] - I'm sure there are a few people out there with whom I'm the most compatible, but not really. Too many people seem to be at least decently happy in their relationships for that to be the case.
[Are you a tease?] - not really

[A Daydreamer] - oh, goodness yes
[Sarcastic] - moderately
[shy] - sometimes
[Talkative] - when you know me well enough

[Pierce your nose or lip?] - I have my nose already, and I'd LOVE to do my lip (about this placement but with a stud) if I didn't worry about it messing up my horn playing :o(
[Be serious or funny?] - funny, which sadly is not how I come off to most people, I don't think

[Simple or complicated?] - simple things make me happy, but i'm still complicated...isn't everyone?

[What time is it]- 12.05
[Name] - Renée
[Nickname] - Fisherman, Rey Rey, Renizzle

[Where do you want to live] - metro NYC, Boston, Portland, or San Francisco
[How many kids do you want] - 0-2, not sure yet, and more likely than not adopted.

[What kind of job do you want] - Clinical Psychology PhD --> Therapist and/or researcher!
[Do you want to get married] - If the opportunity presents itself, I'll go for it

[Nervous Habits] - cracking knuckles, nail-biting, hair-twirling, fiddling with little things in my hands/jewelry, talking...yeah, I guess I'm more nervous than I think
[Are you double jointed] - nope
[Can you raise one eyebrow] - oui
[Can you cross your eyes] - almost
[Do you make your bed daily] - interestingly enough, I do at school, but almost never at home. I think it's because more people see it at school, and it's kinda like your couch, so you want it to look nice.

[Which shoe goes on first] - doesn't matter
[Ever thrown one at someone] - haha, probably in jest at some point

[Bought something] - groceries
[Gotten sick] - nopers
[Sang] - yeah!
[Felt stupid] - not really
[Missed someone] - YES! (guess)
[Gotten drunk] - no
[Gotten high] - no
[Danced crazy] - define "crazy".
[Gotten your hair cut] - no, but I could use one soon.
[Watched cartoons] - no
[Lied to someone] - nope

[Slept in your bed] - moi
[Saw you cry]- Dan?
[Made you cry] - not sure
[Saw a movie with you] - Neil and Matt
[Said 'I love you' to you] - Dan or my mommy

[Been to California] - no, and this needs to change, pronto.
[Been to Europe] - yes
[Wished you were the opposite sex] - maybe for a day out of curiosity, but not permanently.

1. Honestly, are you in love right now? yes :o)
2. Honestly, what color is your underwear? grey winnie the pooh boxers for pjs, woot
3. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? that i'm tired and should go to bed
4. Honestly, what are you doing right now? this, idiot.
5.Honestly, what did you do today and what are you doing tonight? worked 7-1, bought my mom's b-day present and some groceries, made a b-day cake and dinner, ate said things, read a crappy magazine, played the sims w/my little brother, made plans to go hiking tomorrow w/andy
6. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? sometimes, i guess
7. Honestly, have you done something bad today? i don't think so
8. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? not really
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? not that i can think of
10. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? animals, the outdoors, my friends, my family, exercise, downtime, sleep
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? yuck yes
12. Honestly, what is your mood right now? zzz
13. Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment? me sleeping in my bed
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? not really
15. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? no
16. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? Danny Dan!
17. Honestly, are you in denial? probably
18. Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? haha
19. Honestlly, who would you like to have sex with right now? your mom, or at least someone who can spell "honestly" correctly
20. Honesty, do you like someone? um DUH
21. Honestly, does anyone like you? i sure hope so
22. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? haha, i think so :oP
23. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly? yes

[ ] I still play w/ barbies
[ ] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[ ] I eat Lucky Charms.
[ ] I go trick or treating.
[x] I've taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[x] I have water balloon fights with my friends.
[ ] I still believe in Santa
[x] Mommy's still the coolest person ever.
[x] I sleep till noon.
[x] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.
[ ] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute.
[x] I still drink apple juice.
[ ] I sleep in my mom/dads room when I get scared.
[ ] There are monsters in my closet.
[ ] I can't sleep with the lights off
[x] I can't sleep with the lights on
[x] I still like piggy back rides.
[ ] boys/girls still make me giggle.
[ ] Boys/girls still have cooties

A - AVAILABLE : nope
B - BEST FRIEND : you!
C - CRUSH : Dah-nyell
E - LAST PERSON OF OPPOSITE SEX TO TALK TO: um, this doesn't start with "E". You lose.
F - FAVORITE BAND/ARTIST : wahh, just one?!
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS : depends on my mood
H - HOMETOWN : mizzanch
I - INSTRUMENT : most proficient at horn and piano. also: voice, trombone, handbells, clarinet
K - KIDS : what about them?
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: to school, I think...about 7 hours one way. yech.
M - MILK FLAVOR : ew, i hate milk
P - PHOBIAS : none, really
Q - FAVORITE QUOTE : "Out of damp and gloomy days, out of solitude, out of loveless words directed at us, conclusions grow up in us like fungus: one morning they are there, we know not how, and they gaze upon us, morose and gray. Woe to the thinker who is not the gardener but only the soil of the plants that grow in him." (Friedrich Nietzsche)
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : you were right - badly drawn boy
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP : 6.30 for work, ewwie
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: i have an upside-down triangle scar on my left thigh.
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE : i'm really not much of a brussels sprout fan.
W - WORST HABITS : nail-biting, pessimism
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD : legs, thanks to track
(where's Y?)
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : virgo

****Everyone has their firsts...****
First real best friend: Leah
First Cellphone: same one I have now. Le crap.
First pet: Rufus!
First piercing/tattoo: ear piercings
First big trip: probably disney world in like 4th grade
First flight: to florida when I was a baby
First Celebrity Love: haha, no clue, JTT?
First time out of the country: either to canada or france, can't remember which was 1st
First job: ohh ben franklin craft

****Everyone has their lasts...****
Last person you hugged: mommy
Last time you cried: not sure
Last shirt worn: uh, i'm wearing one now, kthx. bright blue farm and flower shirt.
Last phone call: andy
Last thing you touched: keyboard and mouse, darr
Last time at the mall: yesterday w/katie b
Last time you were excited about something: right now, about Dan's visit/our trip to Water Country!
Last person you saw: brother
Last thing you drank: water
Last time you have been truely, 100% happy? oh, probably the last time I saw the word "truly" without an extraneous "e" in the middle.
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