Body of Truth

Jun 10, 2011 20:00

Title: Body of Truth
Author: Melooza
Rating: Parts 1-3 Pg-13 Part 4 Nc-17
Pairing: Chubby!Cfine/Trainer!ZQ
Warnings: Yoga seduction/rough sexin'
Summary: After many failed attempts at dating Zach gets some advice that changes his view on everything.
Beta: creampuffsteph
Author Notes: This was written for this prompt on the kink meme. Much love and unhealthy devotion to my beta.

Part One

“To Brad!” Matt raised his shot glass in the air.

Zach followed suit with a resigned expression. “To Brad. May he find all the protein powder his heart desires and deodorant to cover the smell.”

They clinked their glass and the two men downed their shots, each making a face at the taste.

Clearing his throat Matt looked to his sullen friend. “Why did you break up with this one?”

“He didn’t know how to read.” Zach dead panned, earning a snort from his friend. Zach ran this fingers threw his hair and answered the question more seriously. “The truth is, it was so much work being with him. Which is saying a lot considering he only wanted to talk about working out.”

Matt shocked Zach with his reply. “What’d you expect?” Zach made to answer but Matt held up his hand. “Hear me out. You meet these guys either at work or the clubs, and it’s lust and first sight.”

“Hello Pot, I am kettle.” Zach interjected.

Matt ignored Zach and continued. “What I’m trying to say is, how can you expect to start a lasting relationship on your knees in the sauna of the gym you work at?”

Zach scoffed at his friend’s statement. “Who the hell would get on their knees in a sauna? That’s just gross. What kind of personal trainer do you take me for?”

Matt let out a laugh and conceded Zach’s point.”My point in all of this is, you need to change your type. Branch out. Stop being so “Hollywood.” Try meeting a guy at, I don’t know, a store with books or a Supermarket. Any place other than those where the main goal of everyone there is to come in something. ”

“Hey! I met Brad in the supermarket.” Zach defended.

Matt looked at Zach with a raised eyebrow.

“OK, fine. It was a ‘Gas-n-Go’ down the street from ‘Boyz Town’, but that’s like a supermarket right?” Zach tried to give Matt the best doe eyes he had.

Matt shook his head at his friends antics. “Just take a chance on more guy than you do.”

“What are you trying to say, Matt?” Zach said, playing dumb.

“Try thinking with your big head more and your little one less. And before you say anything, remember I’ve seen you naked.”

Zach mimed being wounded. “If I tell you I’ll try, can we get back to the drinking portion of the night?”

“Yes.” Matt agreed without any thought.

“Fine. I promise I’ll try, but I swear to God if you dump me in some enchanted castle with singing house hold items to understand real beauty, I’m going to kill you.” Zach joked. Mostly.

Matt laughed, raised his glass and let the subject go for the rest of the evening.


Chris looked over the “outline” from his latest client. It was at times like this he was thankful that someone else’s name was going to be credited for his work.

Honestly, a 106 year old male vampire who’s a virgin? Why not add: his semen possessed magical powers that allowed him and his blushing bride to create spawn.

Then Chris read the last page of the outline and swore.

He reminded himself for the thousandth time that day that at least he had a job. A job that allowed him to work from home and had a flexible schedule so long as he made his deadlines.

Chris picked up the notes from the client and made his way to the kitchen. If he had to write this drivel on a Friday night, he may as well have food to get him through.

“Of course.” Chris said aloud when he saw the contents, or the lack there of, in his fridge.

He sighed and reasoned the writing could wait but the food could not. Chris quickly got ready with the secret hope he’d run into his favorite neighbor.


It had been a month since Zach’s pity party with Matt and he had taken his promise to heart.

His dick hated him for it.

It’s not like he didn’t have chances either. He worked at a gym for God’s sake. That’s like a gay brothel where you don’t have to pay and a majority of the men are hot and willing.

Every time he thought about doing anything with the guys there he heard Matt’s voice in the back of his head.

“How can you build a lasting relationship if you start it on your knees?”

Zach milled around his apartment feeling lost. He hadn’t been in the mood to really go out since Brad, but now that the mourning period was over he had no clue where to even begin while keeping his promise to Matt.

More of Matt’s words came back to Zach as he looked out of his apartment's window. “Try meeting a guy at a book store or supermarket.”

Zach figured if he at least tried to find a cute guy at the market and ended up at a club he was still keeping his word.

Feeling better since he had some direction, Zach quickly got ready and was soon leaving his place. His outfit was simple and wouldn’t be out of place at either location. Skinny jeans and a plain white tee. He noticed his neighbor leaving the same time as him, dressed well, and Zach decided to be social.

“Hey there Chris, Where are you off to looking all dolled up?”

Chris, not having noticed Zach, jumped at Zach’s voice. “Jesus, You’re like a Ninja. I’m off to the mom and pop market down the street before they close.”

“I’m on my way there now. Mind if I join you?”

Chris shrugged. “Sure.” And they set out.

“I would’ve thought you had a date dressed like that.” Zach teased as they walked. Chris was out of his usual uniform of grey sweats and a blue hoodie, opting for dark, loose fitting jeans and a light blue collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below Chris’s elbows. It looked good on him.

Chris had the good grace to blush but snorted at the same time. He still managed to look put together while doing both. “Shut the fuck up, Quinto. I’m not your type.” He finished with a smile.

“What’s my type then, Smart ass?” Zach shot back.

Chris answered without even thinking about it. “6’2”, dark hair, light eyes, body fat of 4% or less, and a spray tan. Not me.”

Chris was so matter of fact about it. The scary part was he was dead on. In one sentence, Chris had described everyone Zach had dated in the last three years. Give or take a feature here and there. Chris in no way fit that description. He was barely 6’, had sandy blond hair, and was chubby. He was by no means obese, (at least outside LA) but he was not small. Chris did, however, have a great pair of lips, baby blues many people would kill for and the jeans he was wearing made his ass look great.

”We’ve lived in the same building for 3 years and change. I’m not blind, Zach.” Chris explained. “I’ve gotten lucky with a few of your cast offs.” Chris gave Zach a wink and then burst into laughter at the look of shock on Zach’s face.

They walked the rest of the way in silence and made it to the market just before closing. Not wanting to be those assholes, they separated and quickly found what they’d came for. Once each had paid, they begun the trip back.

“So what are you up to after this?You’re all dolled.” Chris asked using Zach’s word against him.

Zach thought a bit before he answered. “I had plans for after this, but I don’t think they’re going to work out.” And Zach meant it. He really had no desire to go to the clubs. Well, Zach’s brain had no desire. His dick sure wanted to though.

“I’m sorry.” Chris offered kindly.

“Nah, It’s just as well. I have a few books I’ve been dying to read and now I can. Plus, I have all the things I need to make a great mushroom risotto for dinner.” Zach smiled back.

Chris’s face lit up. “Oh, what books?”

Zach rattled off the tiles, and Chris seemed to find the last one hilarious. Zach should have been upset but he found himself laughing along side Chris.

“You have to stop laughing at me. You’re hurting my feelings.” Zach said with a chuckle.

Chris tried to contain himself. “I’m sorry. Would it make you feel any better if I told you I wasn’t laughing at you?”

“Nope. The damage is done.” Zach said with a straight face.

“Oh, stop being such a baby.” Chris wasn’t fooled by Zach’s act. “Let me know what you think of that last book mentioned though.”


“Because I wrote it.”

It was Zach’s turn to laugh.

“Shut up, you asshole. I really did. I’m a ‘ghostwriter’. It’s my job.”

Zach stopped laughing and his eyes went wide. “Really?”

“Yes, really. It’s what I plan on doing for the rest of the night, actually. Although, I won’t admit to anyone I had a hand in this project once it gets published.” Chris shuddered.

“Wow.” Was all Zach could come up with.

Once the two men reached the building, Zach was sad he’d have to part ways with Chris. Zach had enjoyed himself more in the last hour than he had in who knows how long. He made up his mind to “branch out” and Chris seemed like the perfect person.

“Hey Chris, would you like to go out with me sometime?” Zach asked casually and they opened their respective doors.

Chris looked at Zach for a moment then smiled. “How about I try your mushroom risotto first, and we can go from there? I want to know what I am getting myself into.”

Zach returned the smile. “Sounds like a plan.”

Pat Two

So far they’d gone to the store twice, done laundry, watched a movie on cable, and cooked dinner together three times. Not to mention the constant texting. But Chris still refused to take Zach’s advances seriously enough to agree to a date. As in, they go out and Zach pays. Each time Zach asked, Chris would laugh, make some joke, and move on to another topic. Zach’s pride was starting to take a serious hit.

He needed help.

“Are you sure he’s gay, Zach?” Matt’s voice crackled over the phone. Zach was on his way to work and knew this was the only time he could talk without a chance of running into Chris.

“Yes.” Zach answered right away, but then stopped dead in his tracks. “Shit, I mean, at least I think he is. I never flat out asked him but he made a remark about getting lucky with some of my cast offs. Oh God, Matt! What if he’s straight and that was all just a joke? That would explain why he laughs at me every time I ask him out. Shit, I’m the joke to a straight guy! It’s like high school all over again! Here I am thinking he was the first great guy I have been really interested in and he’s mocking me! This is your fault, Matt!” Zach’s voice had grown more and more frantic. He was having trouble breathing.

“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa there, Zach. I am going to need you to calm down, stop channeling your inner 13 year old girl, and remember how to breath. Can you do that for me, please?” Matt sounded worried.

Zach gave a breathy “K” and took a few minutes to get his breathing under control.

Once he was calm, Matt spoke again. “Now, before you freak out again, I suggest you ask him what’s going on.”

“What do you mean, ask him?” Zach was not following Matt’s logic.

“I mean, ask if he’s gay/bi. Depending on that, you can ask him why he’s not taking you seriously.”

Curse Matt and his logic.

“God, you make it sound so easy.” Zach tried not to sound whiny, but it didn’t work.

“Welcome to the Adult way of dating. Oh my baby’s all grown up!” Matt teased.

Zach was in no mood and hung up his phone without saying goodbye.


Chris heard a knock at the door and groaned. Why did people always seem to need him when he was just finding his groove? Or in this case, not outright mocking the author’s outline every chance he got.

He made his way to the door, stretching as he went. The time on the clock told him he should eat soon. Chris hoped maybe it was Zach on the other side of the door. Chris was having a great time getting to know Zach. Sure, Zach was hot but Chris wasn’t after only the physical. Just his nature. Plus, if things went south he didn’t want to have to look for a new place to move.

Packing was a bitch.

Chris looked through the peep hole and smiled when he saw a very nervous looking Zach on the other side. Chris really should put the poor man out of his misery. Smile still in place, Chris opened the door. “Hello there Za-”

“Are you gay?” Zach all but yelled

“-ch. Please, come in.” Chris finished, somewhat bewildered.

Zach seemed to realize he’d been less than tactful, blushed, and hurried inside. He quickly made his way to the couch and sat on the far end, curling his legs under him. He looked out Chris’ window and prepared for disappointment.

Zach felt the couch dip next to him and Chris’ fingers under his chin. With a gentle tug, Chris brought them face to face. Zach kept his eyes to the ground to hide his embarrassment.

Chris sighed. “Zach. Look at me.”

Zach slowly looked up. He relaxed a little when he saw an amused smile on Chris’ face. It was the “I’m going to throw you a bone” smile.

“Zach, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?” Chris’ smile grew wider.

Zach’s expression changed in an instant. “You can’t do that!”

“I think I just did.”

“Why the hell did you say no to me every time I asked you on a date?” Zack was not amused.

As always, Chris started to laugh. “Zach, what do you consider a date?”

“Well, going out to a movie or dinner. Maybe dancing? Why?” Zach was still upset and confused.

Chris smiled the “I’m talking to a small child” smile and answered. “With the exception of leaving our apartments, we’ve done all that. I thought we’d been dating for the last two weeks. But it seems my lack of allowing you to show off my awesome has confused things. It’s okay. My awesomeness is known to do that.”

“And you call yourself a writer?” Zach teased to try to save face. If he thought he felt silly from his question early, it was nothing in comparison to what Zach felt now. Why didn’t he realize it sooner? Was he really that Hollywood? Zach realized he really had no idea what he was doing.

Chris laughed and pat Zach’s leg. “Come on, Lets go make an honest man out of you.”


Dinner was amazing.

It took a little while for Zach to get his bearings. But once he did, he found himself being truly comfortable on a date. Well, at least a date he was aware he was on.

Zach watched Chris, somewhat in awe of the ease in which Chris moved through life. Zach also watched him with a new found hunger. The way Chris’ lips moved when they talked, or how he licked said lips when he thought about want he was going to say. Oh, and his ass. It was round, looked firm and would not stop.

It’s not that Zach hadn’t been attracted to Chris. Zach had always thought Chris was good looking, but Zach hadn’t felt the lust at first sight like all his other failed relationships. If Zach was being honest, Chris’s lack of fitness could have been what kept from Zach really seeing what Chris had to offer.

“Why don’t you do you own writing?” Zach truly wanted to know.

Chris licked his lips then answered.”At first it was because it was easier to write using someone else’s voice and characters. To be a great writer, you need to create an entire world with people all it’s own. That can take years, which is something I didn’t have. I needed to eat.” Chris made a show of his next bite of food. “But someday I’d like to do my own thing.” Chris sighed. “How about you? Why work at a gym?”

“Same reason as you I suppose. I needed to eat and I was good at it. I used to work out to get rid of school stress. I started it as a temp thing til I found something better.” Zach laughed. “Besides, where else is there to work, besides fast food, when you get your degree in philosophy?”

Chris choked on his food. “ You did not?”

“I did. Why? Are you calling me a dumb jock?” Zach joked.

“Yep.” Chris answered with out missing a beat.

“I have quoted Plato plenty of times at work. For that, I am not sharing my dessert.” Zach shot back.

Chris shook his head and laughed. When the meal ended, Chris made a big show of paying, much to Zach’s amusement. The car ride back was short and every bit at comfortable as the date.

Zach’s nerves started to kick in right about when it was time to say goodbye. He knew what he’d do in the past but that didn’t feel right here.

Chris could see the lost look on Zach’s face and took charge. “Thanks for letting me take you out tonight. I had a great time.”

“Me too.” Zach replied sincerely.

Chris stepped forward and placed a gentle kiss on Zach’s lips. Zach had never been kissed like this and felt his knees go weak. Chris caught Zach and pulled him close. They held to one another. Zach didn’t want it to end.

Chris nuzzled Zach’s neck and made to pull away. At the last second Chris leaned in and whispered: “Oh, and to answer your question from earlier. I am indeed, very gay.” Chris gave a nibble on Zach’s earlobe and was gone. Leaving a dazed looking Zach standing outside, alone.

Part Three

“Hey Quinto, I hear you’re chubby chasing now. Is that true?” Mark asked.

Mark was one of those people who lived for image. Zach still viewed personal training as a job to pay the bills, where as Mark saw it as a way of life. Sure, Zach ate healthy and enjoyed working out, but it wasn’t his life. At least, he prayed it wouldn’t be. Chris had given Zach hope for more.

“Fuck off, Mark,” Zach replied, doing his best to get away from Mark.

Mark had other ideas but was stopped by his 10 o’clock showing up early. For the rest of the day Zach did his best to avoid Mark. It wasn’t until Zach was leaving that Mark found him again.

“Just remember Quinto, you are what you eat.”

Zach didn’t even acknowledge Mark and walked out the door. It was time Zack started looking for another job, but right now all he want to was the one person that would make it better.


Zach hadn’t been this sexually frustrated in a long time. It’d been two and a half months since he’d had anything but his left hand. That being said, Zach was also the happiest he’d been in a while.

It wasn’t as though Chris was trying to avoid sex. He had a deadline and Zach had work. Chris tended to write into the wee hours of the morning and woke late the next day. While Zach was up early and went to bed at a decent hour. They still hung out and sneaked kisses but something would always come up.

After a much less dramatic call to Matt to double check it was normal, Zach was finally feeling like he had a handle on things.

That was before he went to work a few days later.

Mark had continued to harass Zach about Chris. Each time Zach would either ignore it completely or leave. Zach knew engaging Mark would only make matters worse.

Zach should have known something was off since Mark just smiled and waved when Zach got in.

It started Just after his first client left. Zach was busy wiping down the bench when a guy, that was everything Zach used to to go for, offered him a blow job. Zach kindly turned him down and went back to his job.

The second guy showed up while Zach was cleaning the showers and asked Zach to take him right there. The third proposition was in the sauna. The fourth and fifth were by the pool, and offered it together.

Zach had a harder and harder time controlling his emotional and physical reactions. With each guy he grew angrier at both his dick for wanting everything they were offering and the men for offering in the first place.

By the end of the day a total of thirteen men tried to seduce Zach and he couldn’t wait to get home. Zach all but ran out of the gym. With each step closer to home his anger lessened, but lust grew.

Zach pounded on Chris’ door loud enough to wake the dead. And from the sleepy look on Chris’s face, Zach may have done just that. Zach didn’t even give Chris a chance at a proper greeting and launched himself at Chris.

Chris gave a startled noise but melted under Zach’s touch. Zach’s hands were down Chris’ sweat pants before the door was fully closed. Chris made a strangled sound and followed Zach’s lead. He clawed at Zach’s work shorts, trying to undo the knot at the top, while Zach worked his mouth over Chris’s neck..

Zach grew impatient and pushed Chris’ hands aside. Zach pushed Chris to the wall, aligned their dicks, and began rolling his hips. Neither of them lasted more than a minute.

Once the post orgasm lifted, Chris leaned over and gave Zach their first kiss that day.

“Not that I am complaining but where did that come from?” Chris asked, still a bit winded.

“Ugh. You wouldn’t believe the day I had at work.” Zach recounted the day’s events but failed to notice the smile slowly fading from Chris’ face.

“I’m sorry your day was so awful.” Chris replied in a monotone voice.

Not catching Chris’ change in mood, Zach continued on. “It really was terrible. I mean, they were all so hot and willing. I thought I was going to explode from the frustration.” Zach sighed. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t home.”

“I’m sure you would’ve managed somehow.” Chris got up without giving Zach so much as a glance. “I’ve got a deadline still and now I need to shower, so I’ll see you around.”

Zach didn’t like the phrase “I’ll see you around” at all. “Hey wait!”

Chris stopped at the door of his bedroom but refused to turn around. “ Yes, Zach?” He sounded tired.

“Um, did I do something wrong? I mean, next time I promise I’ll last longer. And if it’s about the other guys, you don’t need to feel bad. I don’t care that you don’t look like them.” Zach tried to reassure Chris.

“Well, I was a upset that you treated me like a giant flesh light. But I guess I should be thankful you are willing to look over my short coming of being fat. Now that you have others to get you horny while I get the mess.”

“Chris, no! I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want you to feel bad because they’re something you’re not.” Zach pleaded.

Chris slowly turned to meet Zach’s eye. “Fuck. You. I don’t need your pity or your bullshit. There’s the door. I want you gone by the time I’m out of the shower.”

Zach was gone before the bed room door closed.


Matt had dealt with Whiny Zach, Clingy Zach, Drunk Zach and once a whiny clingy drunk Zack. In drag. But Matt had never not dealt with some form of Zach. It had been one week since Matt had talked to him and that wasn’t normal. Matt was the only family Zach had. They talked every few days, if not daily.

“How long’s it been since you heard from him?” Simon asked. Matt’s boyfriend Simon was used to Zach and welcomed him as Matt’s family. Simon was just as worried as Matt over Zach’s lack of communication.

“A week.” Matt’s worry was plain to see.

“You don’t have anywhere you have to be today. How about I watch the kids and you go see him at work?” Simon offered.

Matt leaned over and gave his lover a kiss. “Thanks, baby. I’ll call you once I find out why he’s hiding.”


But Zach wasn’t at the gym when Matt got there. In fact, Zach didn’t even work at the gym anymore. After some shameless flirting on Matt’s part, he found out Zach’s coworker had been tormenting him over dating a “fatty.” Zach walked in two days ago and quit.

Matt left the gym feeling worse than before. He hurried over to Zach’s but there was no answer. Something wasn’t sitting well with Matt as he reached for Zach’s key. Matt swore when he realized he’d taken Simon’s car and the key he was looking for wasn’t there.

Matt would have to find the Super to let him in. Thank God he was listed as an emergency contact. He just had to find the Super’s number.

Matt knocked on the door across the hall and sighed in relief when he heard someone coming to answer it. The first thing Matt noticed when the door opened was the saddest pair of blue eyes he’d ever seen.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes. Hi,” Matt offered a kind smile. “Um, My names Matt and I’m hoping you can give me the number for the Super.”

“What for?” The tenant asked with a wary glance.

Matt understood the question and answered the best he could. “I think my friend may be in trouble and he isn’t answering his door or my calls. I haven’t heard from him in a week and I found out he quit his job.This is kind of my last hope.”

“I’m sorry. Let me get the number for you. My name is Chris, by the way”

Matt’s eye’s widened when he realized he was talking to the Chris.

“Chris, as in the Chris that’s dating Zach?” Matt had to be sure.

Chris looked torn. “Yeah? Why?” Understanding dawned on Chris’s face and everything changed. Matt watched as Chris grabbed his keys and dashed to Zach’s door. Chris was in the apartment in seconds, Matt hot on his trail.

Chris frantically searched the front room and ran to the back. “Zach?! Where the hell are you?”

Matt went for the bathroom, to be safe, and was relived to find no gruesome sight.

“I found him! He’s in his bedroom!”

Matt felt relief wash over him. Now he could beat Zach for scaring the shit out of him, and not feel bad about it.


Zach sat at his kitchen table looking properly chastened and slightly annoyed. Matt had spent a good 20 minutes yelling at Zach for scaring him. Chris stayed the entire time, leaning against the wall with a small smile playing on his lips. Zach would have been angry if he didn’t miss that smile so much. Even if it was the “better you than me” smile.

Zach hadn’t done more than sleep and eat. He promise to at least text the next time he planned to “mope like a big furry baby.” Thanks Matt.

Matt left with is kiss on Zach’s forehead and a threat of having to watch Matt’s three kids every weekend for a month if he did something like that again.

Zach looked truly terrified by the threat.

“So, since Matt took care of the scolding for scaring the shit out of me, why don’t we talk about what started it all?” Chris pushed off the wall and took a seat at the table. “Do you understand why I was so upset?”

Zach lowered his eyes to the table. “Yes. I used you and then insulted you.”

“There may be hope for you yet.” Chris gave Zach a soft smile.

Zach was out of his seat and clinging to Chris with a new found hope. He hadn’t ruined it. Chris held Zach and kissed the top of his head. “It was more than that, you know?”

“What was?” Zach asked in to Chris’ neck. Zach wasn’t going to let go unless Chris made him.

“What you said. It was more than just an insult. For the first time, in a long while, I really felt bad about being me and I hated it.”

Zach whispered: “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

“I know. I know.” Chris stroked Zach’s hair. “And I’m sorry I never saw how hard work was on you.”

After a while of them holding to one another, Zach needed to be sure he could hope. “We’re going to be OK right? I didn’t ruin it?”

Chris pulled back to look into Zach’s eyes. “Yeah, we’ll be ok,” Chris said softy, allowing Zach to breath easy for the first time in days.

“Well, So long as you say “I am so sorry, Chris, that I had you doubt your awesome powers of awesomeness. Oh, and I’ll give you a BJ everyday for a month to prove you are one sexy beast”.” Chris added on as an after thought.

Zach smiled and repeated it back knowing they really were going to be OK. And he had every intention of fulfilling the last part of his apology.

Part Four

After two months, they were more than OK.

Zach made good on his promise and never gave Chris a reason to question his “awesome powers of awesomeness” again. The first time Zach pressed Chris to his bed, Chris had never felt more loved or wanted.

Zach found a job relatively quickly and it was better than he’d hoped for. Zach had truly come to enjoy sharing his knowledge of taking care of one’s body, but needed to find a way to make it about more than looks.

Cue Yoga.

Zach thrived on the teachings of balance and harmony with his body, mind, and spirit. He felt like the person he wanted to be, instead of the person he wanted to look like. He taught classes five days a week and many of his former clients followed him to his new career.

Chris was glad that Zach was able to find a balance, though it was hard for Chris to find balance, or find anything, when Zach was working through his morning routine.

Chris wanted for very little lately and was thankful for all he had. But one thing he wanted more than anything was to break Zach’s new found control. Not in the “rock in the corner and sob way”, but in the “I can’t stand how much I want you right now” way. Yes, he knew that Zach wanted him, but the memories of their, all be it short, encounter left Chris wanting more.

Chris needed to find a subtle way of saying “objectify me damn it!”

With a sigh, Chris looked over some books Zach had left at Chris’ while he thought. Something caught his eye and he stopped. Chris smiled a smile that Zach would call “filled with evil.”

Page 34 had given Chris just the thing he was looking for.


Zach got home from work feeling tired but fulfilled and wanted to take Chris out to meet Matt properly this time. Matt had been busy with work and also realized Zach needed time to make things solid with Chris.

Zach walked over to Chris’ to broach the subject, but didn’t get any further than the door. It was like a fantasy out of Zach’s mind. Chris was doing “downward facing dog” leaving his ass on display. Zach had a weakness when it came to Chris’ ass. Mainly Zach couldn’t get enough of it. He wanted to bite, spank, grab, squeeze and fuck it, till he had no more to give.

“Oh hey! I’m so glad you’re here!” Chris called, not moving from his pose. “Do you think you could help me? I don’t think my hips are quite right.”

Zach slowly walked over and stood behind Chris. He carefully took hold of Chris’s hips and moved them to the correct position. Well, he tried to. Chris had other ideas and shoved his ass against Zach’s cock.

Zach tried to hold back a moan but failed. “If you want me to show you this, you can’t do that.”

“OK.” Chris allowed Zach to put his hips where they needed to be.

“Thanks! Now I want to try few others. Do you mind helping me?” Chris’s too innocent tone should have clued Zach in. If Zach wasn’t held under a spell by Chris’s apple bottom.
Chris stayed bent forward but spread his legs and brought his arms in to carry more of his weight. Zach knew the pose as Standing Straddle Forward Bend.

“How’s this one?”

Zach swallowed. Loudly. “Uhh. You need to put more of your weight on the balls of your feet.”

Chris quickly made the adjustments and held the pose.

“OK, one last pose and then we can talk dinner.” Chris’ words were a welcome relief.

Until Chris was on all fours in front of Zach.


Fuck. Zach’s. Life.

Chris didn’t even get to the full “crow pose” before Zach was molding his body over Chris’.

“Do you have any idea how hard you are making it to not fuck you senseless?” Zach breathed heavily into Chris’ ear.

“Then don’t” Chris rolled his hips to prove his point.

Zach finally let go of his control.

“Pants. Off. Now.”

He pushed up against that perfect ass one more time before stepping back so Chris could work the yoga pants off his body. Zach watched, eyes glued to every exposed inch of skin, and realized Chris wasn’t wearing anything under the pants. He froze for a few seconds, just appreciating the swell of Chris’ backside.

“You gonna stand there all day or are you gonna fuck me?” Chris wriggled his ass at him.

“You better stop sassing me, boy.” Zach reached out a hand and slapped Chris lightly on his right cheek. Zach loved to watch his body shake under his hand.

Chris’ body lurched forward from the contact and he moaned as there was the slightest bit of friction on his hard cock. “Make, me.”

“Oh, I plan to. Bedroom?” Zach moved to help Chris get up but Chris pulled away.

“Here.” Chris motioned with his head to the side of the mat he was using.

Zach looked and found everything they would need there. His eye’s widened in realization. “You little shit! You set me up!”

“Yes I did. And do you really want to talk about shit right now?”

Zach ignored the last part. “You sure you want this? That you won’t feel used or objectified?” He had to know to make sure his actions to come would only have positive consequences.

“Use me, objectify me, but if you don’t start fucking me in the next minute I am taking matters into my own hands.” Chris made to grasp his cock but Zach stopped him.

“Back in downward facing dog, now.” Zach slapped Chris, harder this time, and chuckled at the way Chris groaned and shuddered.

Chris was doing the pose in seconds. Zach took his time running his hands over Chris’s thighs then ass. He noticed Chris’s shirt pooling around his neck and took pity.

“Shirt off, then back in position.”

Chris was really good with following directions when he wanted to be. Zach made the same path his hands did once Chris was posed. Only this time, he used his tongue. He licked and sucked, biting lightly as he went.

Zach could feel Chris’s legs start to tremble when he parted Chris’ ass cheeks. Zach set to work giving Chris the rim job of his life. Chris moaned and Zach worked him over with his tongue.

Zach pulled away suddenly. “Crow pose. Now.”

Chris fell to his knees and welcomed the new position. It made it easier to hold his weight and keep his ass up and ready for Zach. He heard Zach rummaging in the “goodies” behind him.

“What are you looking for?”

Zach’s answer was to pop open the the bottle of lube and squeeze into his hand. Chris felt a slick finger slide down between his cheeks and smirked. Zach was in for a surprise. Because he was lightly tracing around Chris’ entrance, obviously wanting to go slow before pushing his way inside. But with one gentle probe Zach’s finger slid inside Chris’ body.

“Chris, what did you do?” Zach added a second finger within seconds, meeting no resistance.

“Made it easier to objectify me.”

Zach gave Chris a not so gentle smack on his ass. “Next time, I’ll do that. Understand?”

“We’ll se-”

A third finger pressed inside Chris got him to shut up. “You keep sassing me and I’ll have to put that mouth to better use.”


Zach withdrew his fingers, made quick work of wrapping and lubing his cock, and pressed himself into Chris’s welcoming body.

“Finally!” Chris panted out. He pushed back onto Zach until their bodies were pressed as tightly together as they could be.

Talking just wouldn’t do. If Chris was still talking, it meant Zach wasn’t doing it right. He grabbed hold of Chris’s hips and began to thrust in hard, pulling out slowly until the tip of his dick was just barely inside before plunging back in.

The muscles in Chris’ arms were straining with the effort to hold his body up off the floor with every hard push from behind. Zach was relentless, pounding harder and faster, watching as Chris bowed his head down and let the feel of being filled up take over.

They worked in tandem, pushing and pulling to finish. Zach marveled and the way Chris’s body moved underneath him. Feeling he was close Zach doubled his efforts.

Zach came with cry and Chris followed soon after. They fell to the mat below, completely spent.

Chris must have nodded off because the next thing he remembered hearing was Zach’s laughter.

“What? And by the way it never makes a person feel good when someone they’ve had sex with starts laughing after.” Chris was only half way kidding.

“Sorry, I just realized I am going to need to find another job.”

“Why?” Chris was genuinely concerned.

“Because every time I see those poses I am going to think of you. Then I will have to run home and sex you up, even though I won’t be finished with teaching.”

“My job is done here.”


“So what do you think?” Zach was more than nervous to hear Matt’s verdict on Chris.

After their yoga adventure, Zach talked to Chris about dinner. Which Chris was more than willing to attend. So now, there Zach sat, waiting while Chris was in the bathroom.


“Look, I know he’s not what I usually go for but that’s what makes him better. Hell, I’m not ever sure I’m good enough for him but I’ll never tell him that. He’s funny, smart, sexy as hell and not only makes me want to be a better person, but has made me a better person. He isn’t afraid to let me know when I am a jackass, which is a lot by the way, but will forgive me when I am. I’ve never had that and I’m not letting it go.”

Matt smiled. “You don’t have to explain to me why you love him. What’s important is that you do and that he knows it. You did good with this one Zach. Really Good.”

The rest of dinner flew by and ended with a promise to do it again soon.

Zach was quiet on the car ride back but a small smile played on his lip.

“Hey, everything Ok?” Chris looked over from the drivers seat

Zach’s smile grew. “Yeah everything is better than OK” Zach picked up Chris’s hand and kissed it. “Everything is perfect.”


Thanks for reading!
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