Ok so I'm done with this whole military thing. I hate not having control over my own life and being able to take a shit when I freaking want to. Ok so maybe it isn't all that bad and I do have it better than the majority of those in the military. I have a nice warm sand free office and get to travel all over Europe on the weekends and I'm getting paid pretty good money. I'm 20 years old and still have no bills to pay and I don't live with my parents. I do miss my family though and I'm really beining to hate my job which is the source of all the complaining I'm about to do. I just need to vent and then everything will be better. Ok so there is the new Major guy in charge of my section. He use to work with this SPC down on another ward and now he wants to work with him here. No big deal you'd think only by working with him I lose my job. That's not even the best part though. I hate this Maj. guy he is the biggest pain in the ass and the reason why I'm starting to hate my job. I already know where I'm going to be working at and I know it'll be better for me b/c it'll be less stress and I'll be away from Maj. pain in my ass dude. But the SPC coming to take my spot is going to be a SGT soon and then shortly there after my NCO is leaving. After he leaves the new SPC/SGT guy will take over his job. Now as great as he might be he can't work both jobs and I will already be stuck in my new job which is more of a priority than the job I have now. That leaves no one in this clinic though!!! No here's my diliema of why I shouldn't care. Maj. pain in my ass is the one who's kicking me out and pulling this other dude in. I've already told him everything that is going to happen and he still doesn't care. I'm going to be in a much happier place far away from him. Ok so it's only across the hall but I won't be under him any more and he can't touch me so it's far away to me but not nearly far enough. I really can't stand this guy and he's going to totoally screw over the entire clinic quite willingly and there is nothing anyone can do about it other than sux it up and drive on. So now we are back to my original question why do I even bother? Why do I care if he screws the clinic over or not. It's not my worry and I'll be out of here by that time any ways. I just feel bad for everyone who will be stuck with him and without any staff to support his out rageous demands and uncontrolable whims and his egotistical personality. SCREW HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!