Title: To Be Alone With You (At Christmastime)
femslash100's alphabetsoup: X is for Xmas
Claim: Mary-Louise Parker
Fandom: RPFS/Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Mary-Louise Parker/Addison
Rating: PG
Word Count: 158
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true, not truly mine.
"I love Christmas," she says. It's eight days before December 25th and she's standing in front of your window, watching the rain fall. She turns to look at you; you're surprised by how fragile her smile looks. "I missed New York at Christmas."
You can't help but think she misses her husband more than she ever ached for the tree at Rockefeller Center or making her way through throngs of tourists. Or, more likely, she yearns for the promise her marriage used to carry: of connection, of nearing perfection, of having someone to grow old with. Of being the sort of couple that other people could look at and say, How do they do it?
You know the feeling.
"New York is the place to be," you say.
You press your palm flat against the glass as you kiss her cheek. You rest your other hand on her shoulder, and together, you stare out at the grey sky.