So the other day was Harry Potter Day here at camp. It was amaaaazing. There were even some kids who had actually read the books!
1. Decorated the Dining Hall, put on costumes, etc...
2. Got Sorted. Unfortunately the Houses were not from canon, so I could not be a Slytherin Queen, or even a Squeeful Hufflepuff. I did get Sorted though, which means I got to sit on a little stool and the Headmistress put the hat on my head and a mysterious Voice From Nowhere And Everywhere Sorted me into Orion and I almost fell off the stool from sheer litjoy.
3. My Head of House, the amazing Professor Bransheild, enjoys wearing kitty ears, and so the other professors and I got to borrow a pair each and me Animagi.
4. Played capture the flag and called it "hunt for the Sorceror's Stone"
5. Played water Quidditch in canoes and kayaks.
6. Built a giant chessboard out of duct tape and used it to play Wizard's Checkers.
7. Made potions out of cherries, maple syrup, vanilla frosting, and oreos. (Ours was the only canon potion: Felx Felicis, complete with instructions on which direction it should be stirred, etc...)
8. Watched the Goblet of Wind spit out the names of our House Champions to compete in the Quadwizard Tournament, complete with the shocking event of a FIFTH name coming from the Goblet, of a boy whose House already had a Champion, and who was too young to compete but was now bound by magic to participate!
All in all, HP Day = awesome.