My thoughts, disjointed unrelated and in no order:
I definitely did get spoiled by a dude's t-shirt at the Wizard Rock Concert.
I cried for thirteen pages. Actually cried. It's the only time I've cried about a book, apart from the when the dog died in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. If any of you have seen me when I cry about a movie, you'll know that when I cry, even about fictional characters, it isn't a sweet, cathartic dabbing of the eyes. I actually sobbed and wanted to stop reading and wanted to punch JK Rowling for making me feel this way...
I don't think I will ever forgive Ron or Lupin.
I will certainly never forgive JK Rowling. She violated my trust over and over again. There were at least four major things she did that I had trusted her never to do: Hedwig, Ron, Dobby, Fred...
What is her sudden obsession with certain parts of Merlin's anatomy?
Overall, this book just really really hurt. Every page was more "ouch. ouch... OUCH!"
I sort of want to punch her in the face.