Obama's constant deceit, Birthers, the Liberal media

Sep 02, 2010 15:43

"I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,"
This is from a bit ago but seriously irked me. Here is the video, but I'll save you the time.

image Click to view

"I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,"

How about once, you deceitful elitist prick? I am way past the point of respecting your office enough to ignore your deceit. How about showing it just one time? That's all that's been asked.

I am not a "Birther". I've no doubt this Marxist America hater was born on Lefty Island far off in the Pacific to Marxist parents and raised by Marxist grandparents. HOWEVER, there is a very good argument why the birth certificate should be shown. And he knows it!

Here is an excellent argument for why he should (and is perfectly able to) show his long form birth certificate. I've posted it before. It's worth remembering and bookmarking.
Suborned in the U.S.A.
"The birth-certificate controversy is about Obama’s honesty, not where he was born."
My previous abridged, bolded version for the highlights
I will add to why he should. HE KEEPS BRINGING IT UP.

Democrats know Obama's answers are a joke. Williams knows it. Obama knows it. If they accept constant deceit from their representatives we all should know what that says of their ideology.

Hot Air did a basic review of the BS that was this interview Keep trying to pretend Brian Williams isn't overtly biased.
For Birthers, agony when Williams declines to press him on the location of the holy grail, a.k.a. his long-form birth certificate. For mosque supporters/opponents, confusion when he suggests that he supports Park51 being built where it is (since we’d let a church or synagogue be built there), then hedges once again by emphasizing that he’s not endorsing any particular project. And for political junkies, shock when a question about Glenn Beck’s religious rally on the Mall leads him to repeat his single biggest mistake of the 2008 campaign. Here’s the money quote, which comes at the very end of the clip. Isn’t this his infamous bitter/clinger theory


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