pictures and ferret updates....

May 20, 2006 12:17

Not much of an entry I know, I know, I have promised to answer all those questions people asked in that interview meme but I am teh lazeh and will get to it eventually... Anyway...

Boo boo ferret is doing a little worse he can now only seem to play for about 15 minutes then his energy gives out and he needs to rest.

He seems to be losing strength mainly in his back limbs he seems to be able to support himself on rugs but on the vinyl flooring in the kitchen his hind legs stick straight out behind him and he can't seem to get them underneath him. I took him out to play in the grass today he dug in the dirt and turned his white fur black he seemed pretty excited to do this. (we love getting dirty!) His eating habits are still good (loves his raisins) although yesterday I noticed he was straining to go potty. I put up walls in his cage a couple of weeks ago to make sure that he doesn't fall when he goes from one floor to the next encase he loses his balance. I considered closing off part of the cage, (ferret cage is 60 inches tall with four floors)so that he wouldn't push himself so hard but then I watched him go from the top to bottom without too much trouble and decided as long as he is able that's not something I am going to take away from him. But as I watched him last night have trouble with his balance I sat there wondering when will be enough? Is waiting selfish on my part? My need to have him with me for as long as I can? Should I wait till that day when it's obviously he just can't do it anymore? SO hard his mind seems to be there completely he still greets me at the cage every time I walk past in hopes of a treat. He still watches me while I am in the kitchen and I smile cause I see his little white face sticking out of the hammock following my every move. Should I let him suffer? IS it selfish to let him suffer? Or is it more selfish to send him on his way just cause I don't want to see him suffer? I don't know I guess we will continue to take it a day at a time... I really wish he would make it to his 6th birthday that would be august 2nd but I think that is wishful thinking. I never took him to have professional pictures done.... lol that upsets me. I should go get his picture taken.

okay enough of that!

Spookey (not the sick ferret) seemed to be trying to tell me that she needed water!!!! LOL tell me which you like more I can't decide!

And Blakey cause he is just so darn cute!!!

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