[Ben nods.] I can... feel him. In there. Scared. [He reaches his hand out again, because those wings are calling him. Oh, so hesitantly, ready to jerk back at the slightest hint he's not welcome, he ghosts his fingers over the feathers.]
Something else in there too. More angry than scared.
[And Guriel leans into the touch, so eager that it borders on desperate, because holding himself together like this is exhausting. Asking for comfort is a weakness he hasn't dared show anyone, and comfort given unasked has been thin on the ground lately.]
That's the Predator. It's . . . different. Not Zev. Not really a person. [Guriel closes his eyes.] I help the two of you . . . keep It in line.
Three... [Ben inhales.] Oh, Guriel. [He's suddenly tired, and he lays back and closes his eyes.] I'm so sorry. Shoulda been more careful. Or something.
No. No, it wasn't your fault, okay, it wasn't. He . . . [Guriel slams his eyes shut. Can't think about it can't think about it can't think about it.] This wasn't your fault. Isn't. Your fault.
[Guriel doesn't have to be persuaded; he half-collapses sideways and curls up against Ben's side, throwing an arm across his chest.
And Be okay now is a lie, this is not okay, he doesn't think anything is ever going to be okay again, not after this, but at least they're home and he can keep Ben safe here and that's something. At least They didn't take Guriel's Pack away like They talked about doing when They thought Guriel couldn't hear, kicking around "Ward of the state" and "Can't care for himself."
Can't think about that, either. Guriel's whole life lately has been a minefield of things he can't afford to let himself think about. And he can't quite stop the tiny noise that works its way out of his throat.]
[Ben's arms tighten around him, and he buries his nose in Guriel's hair, inhaling the scent of Pack and Home and Safety.] Well, I'm here now. Kind of. And I'll never stop loving you, Guriel, no matter how brain damaged I get.
[All of this has really taken it out of him, and he... doesn't remember that he's afraid to sleep most times. Seems ridiculous to need to sleep after he's been asleep for nearly three weeks, but this is a new and somewhat terrifying experience for him.] 'm tired...
Me, too. [Exhausted, honestly. Holding himself together by sheer willpower, trying to push back against the doctors and authority figures who wanted to shove him out of the picture and take over Ben's life, wondering if they'd ever manage to even get as far as getting home again . . .
He's more than tired, he's completely spent.] Maybe. Maybe it'd be okay. If we both just slept. Just . . . this once.
[It's selfish and it isn't safe but he's so tired, and he missed Ben so much, and right now for this very brief moment it's almost like everything is okay . . .]
Shouldn't. Shouldn't sleep. Should take care . . . have to watch. Watch over you . . . [But three weeks of constant stress and constant self-control have left him too worn out to fight it.]
[Ben breathes in one more time, and the cottony darkness takes him down. And he's fine, for a few hours.
But his subconscious, he doesn't remember saying, is a mean bastard, even now. Fragments come through, shouting and gunfire, somehow he's on the ground with a boot in the middle of his ba--
[And Guriel sits bolt upright, yanked out of his own uneasy dreams by Ben's distress, and reaches out to put his arm around his Packmate's shoulders, pouring comfort and calm down the link.] Easy. Easyeasyeasy. You're okay, you're home and you're safe, nobody's hurting you. Shhhh . . .
He stares around, frowning.] Where am I?
Something else in there too. More angry than scared.
That's the Predator. It's . . . different. Not Zev. Not really a person. [Guriel closes his eyes.] I help the two of you . . . keep It in line.
[He tugs on his Packmate to try to get him to lie down beside him.] Rest, Guriel. Be okay now...
Love you...
And Be okay now is a lie, this is not okay, he doesn't think anything is ever going to be okay again, not after this, but at least they're home and he can keep Ben safe here and that's something. At least They didn't take Guriel's Pack away like They talked about doing when They thought Guriel couldn't hear, kicking around "Ward of the state" and "Can't care for himself."
Can't think about that, either. Guriel's whole life lately has been a minefield of things he can't afford to let himself think about. And he can't quite stop the tiny noise that works its way out of his throat.]
I missed you.
[All of this has really taken it out of him, and he... doesn't remember that he's afraid to sleep most times. Seems ridiculous to need to sleep after he's been asleep for nearly three weeks, but this is a new and somewhat terrifying experience for him.] 'm tired...
He's more than tired, he's completely spent.] Maybe. Maybe it'd be okay. If we both just slept. Just . . . this once.
[It's selfish and it isn't safe but he's so tired, and he missed Ben so much, and right now for this very brief moment it's almost like everything is okay . . .]
Shouldn't. Shouldn't sleep. Should take care . . . have to watch. Watch over you . . . [But three weeks of constant stress and constant self-control have left him too worn out to fight it.]
But his subconscious, he doesn't remember saying, is a mean bastard, even now. Fragments come through, shouting and gunfire, somehow he's on the ground with a boot in the middle of his ba--
He twitches awake, gasping and sweating.]
He makes a noise in his throat. Against the angel.]
Where am I?
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