[Rose said she wanted to go to an 1800's dinner party? Fine, he said he'd show her one... Help her find Mr. Darcy or something silly like that. He didn't know that meant she was going all out and wanted to include him in the dancing aspect of said party.]
[He bounced on the balls of his feet, now completely motivated.] Arrrgg, ok! I can do this! You can do this! [He tightened up his posture, resting one hand on the middle of her back.] Oh! A waltz! How lovely!
[It took a minute for him to master the beat and movement, and then if he didn't think about what he was doing, they actually were dancing quite nicely.]
Ohhhh yes! Y'know, this is quite tame. There's some planets where it's customary to dance. Actually, on Heylio XI, they communication completely with actions and body languages. Dancing being one of 'em.
I've been to a place where they communicate through eyebrow wiggling. I think I accidentally proposed to the Emperor's wife, which was a complete misunderstanding, I assure you! One where it's similar the sign language... There's others, but you got the point.
Yes, there are a few layers in there, I suppose. But it's quite lovely on you.
[The Doctor made a mental note to make more period-oriented trips, and while thinking that, he accidentally lost all sense of what he was doing and stepped on her foot.] I was trying to avoid that...
Ohhh, no. I-I don't think I can...!
[Rose smiled and slipped her arm through the Doctor's.]
If I can dance about with all this frippery on, you can dance with what you're wearin'.
Awkwardly he slipped her hand in his and watched some of the other party members.]
Honestly Rose, I don't know what I'm doing...You might have to lead me. [But he was grinning with amusement.]
Right because I'm such an expert in how they danced back in the 1800s. No complainin' if I step on your feet. How hard can this be?
[Famous last words.]
Ok... ok, I got this. [And then he stepped on her foot, then followed by her on his.] Whose idea was this again?
It was mine but you can't hold it against me.
[Ok, waltzes he most certain could do.]
New experience, yeah? We can now say that we've at least tried the Country Dance.
Ohhhh yes! Y'know, this is quite tame. There's some planets where it's customary to dance. Actually, on Heylio XI, they communication completely with actions and body languages. Dancing being one of 'em.
Misunderstanding huh? Should have raised an eyebrow but you lowered it instead?
[He sighed and shook his head.] Dancing is far less complicated, at least the waltz is.
[Rose teased him as they continued to waltz.]
Mind you, with all this frippery it's kind of hard to judge where my dress is goin'.
[The Doctor made a mental note to make more period-oriented trips, and while thinking that, he accidentally lost all sense of what he was doing and stepped on her foot.] I was trying to avoid that...
That brings back memories. 'Member the first time we danced? [Her eyes sparkled with the memory.]
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