The Rescue Me Meme
Sometimes, you just can’t save yourself.
- Post with your character’s name, canon, and any preferences in the subject line
- Those tagging, go to RNG and roll for a number between one and ten.
- Alternatively, just pick the choice you’re interested in most.
- A Bad Date - You get a text, a phone call, or maybe you can just see the other
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[Antonio doesn't quite know what it is about the man sitting in front of him, but he's caught his attention. It's a slow night in this little bar he's taken the time to do some bartending for and there's really nothing new about the clientele. The man seems like a type of customer they always get, the one looking to drown his sorrows in alcohol, so what is it that drew Antonio's attention?]
[Maybe it's how sorrow practically seems to seep out of him, in how he's hunched over as if he's carrying the world on his shoulders. It's a sorry sight and it pulls at the Spaniard's heart strings. No one should ever look that sad and so Antonio approaches him]
Is there anything else you would like, Señor?
[He asks it out of genuine concern. This is probably a common and expected question from bartenders, but Antonio is really concerned about his customer]
[After running out of vodka at home, he wandered the streets for a while until he ended up at this pub. He was deep in his cups when he noticed a man approaching him. His voice seemed sweet and soft, kind of like a pastry; and whether it be the spirits in his belly or the spirit in the gutter, he replied honestly.]
What I'd like is... [In his drunkenness, he searchea for the words.] Companionship, I suppose.
I can stay with you a while, if you like. Would you like to talk about whatever it is that's troubling you?
[The owner is quite easygoing about closing up and he trusts Antonio to do a good job of everything, even if the Spaniard does tend to be flighty and forgetful at times. He can keep the bar open for a little while more for this particular customer who seems to need it. It doesn't matter to him that this man is practically a stranger. He's always talking to strangers anyway, given his occupation]
Idiocy. That's what bothers me. The man I loved betrayed me and now he's dead. Feels like years ago it was, yet it feels fresh in my heart as the day it happened. This on top of everything today, it...
[He sighs again and turns his head over.]
What was it all for? Why did it end that way?
I'm sorry to hear that happened. [And he sighs and refills the man's glass. He needs it anyway] And I wish I could answer your questions, really.
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