By request, another genderbent meme! In this one, your character has always been the opposite gender and it's nothing unusual at all.
- Post your character's name/series/preferences in the subject line. At least include a description or a picture of what they'd look like as the opposite gender!
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He's finishing off his gravy, mopping the plate clean with a slice of bread. He has to wait a minute after he stuffs the whole lot in his mouth, but he manages to talk around it.
"Does it bother yeh, the things they say at school?"
"I don't give a shite." He mutters, pushing the grabby on his plate with his spoon.
"Then why did yeh punch that guy's lights out earlier? All he said was he though yeh should take yer top off..."
Murphy couldn't care about it at all, he was walking out through the backdoor, going to get some fresh air.
Why was Connor asking that shite? Why no one treated them as equals? They were both boys. Deep down, Murph' had always felt that way.
... It had been hard when they got to secondary school and suddenly they were forced to use separate changing rooms for PE. Murphy was "sick" a lot on those days...
The elder MacManus sat at the dinner table, fidgeting and glancing from his Ma to the door and back again, until she finally told him to go after his sister. The table clattered as he bumped it in his hurry to get down and go after Murphy.
Murph' wasn't feeling like seeing other people, and truth be told, deep inside he knew he could do with his twin's touch, his support.
He knew he was fucked up, in more than one way. Fucked up for having the wrong body, fucked up on some of his beliefs, but also, he was very aware of how fucked up he was on regards of how he needed his brother.
Whoever, this morning he couldn't care less. Fuck everyone!
Sitting close to the water, he started throwing stones at it, disturbing the mirror-like surface.
He ducked under a branch, his hand wrapping and holding it out of his face as he paused and watched for a moment. He had so many wishes for his brother in that moment. Most of all he wished that they really were the same, like proper twins, real twins. Instantly, he felt bad for thinking that, they were real twins. But... if they were the identical kind either Murphy wouldn't be trapped in the wrong body, or they both would be. And that was something Connor was willing to sacrifice.
"I'm sorry..." He hung back though, in case Murph felt like throwing a stone at him too.
"Fuck, Con'..." He shook his head, focused back on throwing rocks at the quiet lake. "Don't know what yer so sorry about."
Connor had everything. He was the man of the house, the favorite, perfect son. Their childhood friends liked hanging with him best, because he was better at sports or merely because he had a little fuzz on the chin.
"I'm sorry I didn't lamp him too." He turned to Murphy and gave a small smile. "But yeh'd already knocked the bastard out clean on the playground floor with one punch."
Once the last stone was gone, the younger MacManus whiped his hands on his jeans, turning to join his twin. He dropped himself down, sitting by Con', legs crossed and back slightly hunched. "Yeh could 'ave kicked him."
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