Thought you would be used to seeing that. [She's just glad that they're not on the ground floor because at least they have a view.] You know I think I've seen this movie. [And queue the teen rambling about Day After Tomorrow, feel free to shut her up Thor.]
Re: oh yes ^^talkingtooslowFebruary 21 2012, 19:16:33 UTC
Much too cold though, the subway's not even working. [She does move closer to the window to look at the snowed in city.] Though you're right. I don't think I've ever seen New York look so... clean.
It was a freak storm that covered half the planet in the movie. I don't think that could have been anticipated at all, I mean really how would you prepare for something like that?
You had somewhere to be, with Tony here already? [he wouldn't know how to tease you, Ms. Pepper, what do you mean by that? Thor smiles] Your 'weatherman' is then, a fool and unreliable. You admit this? He couldn't have anticipated it for you?
Yeah, kind of making me glad I stayed over last night. Not that we were in the same room. [Oh god that didn't sound at all how she had wanted it to.]
Well, with weathermen here it's a little of a guessing game, not an exact science. We were told we'd have snow, just not thirty feet at once. [Okay she's exaggerating a little, only about fifteen feet. Which is still way over her head.]
[and cue a slight raised brow at this before he comments, dryly] Well, they should have anticipated as such.
It was a freak storm that covered half the planet in the movie. I don't think that could have been anticipated at all, I mean really how would you prepare for something like that?
Well, with weathermen here it's a little of a guessing game, not an exact science. We were told we'd have snow, just not thirty feet at once. [Okay she's exaggerating a little, only about fifteen feet. Which is still way over her head.]
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