- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well. - Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out. - Have fun!
something under angst? I was thinking 09; fight, probably...killsonthe_slyMay 20 2012, 14:38:45 UTC
[it's turned into a thing. Again. If Sam turns up, Jase gives him a room. They don't speak if he can help it. He doesn't comment on the bruises he sees, the despondancy. If he brings crack through the door, he doesn't check him. It's charity. Nothing more.]
ALL THE ANGST ;_;lormenariMay 20 2012, 18:39:08 UTC
[Sam will be gone for days at a time, and then he'll show up out of the blue with a black eye or a split lip, needing somewhere to hole up for the night and knowing Jase will provide. Everything's different, though. They don't talk much, not like how they used to. Sam's not sure he could go back to that even if Jase was willing. The spark has gone out of him, replaced by weariness, sadness, and fear. He'll retreat to the guest room with a murmured thank you, locking the door and burying himself under the covers. He never uses under Jase's roof, but he never gets rid of his drugs, either
( ... )
[Jase hadn't really considered checking in on him - that same mantra of not my problem - but he knew the kid had to be in a bad way to break routine. It was strange to see him up and about when he was home. Unfamiliar now, but all he could recall was the strange way it was familair even so.]
Hey. Coffee's on if you want it. [he sips from his cup, critical eyes watching him. He won't comment any further.]
[He winces a little at the sound of his voice, then turns slowly, his eyes meek as he gazes at him.] It's okay. I'll just go.
[He turns again, his bag banging against his side, and he can't help the sharp whimper that escapes his lips. He stands still for a moment, eyes closed as he steels himself. Then he takes another step toward the door in a slow sort of shuffle.]
I'm fine. [He fists a hand down by his side, trembling slightly. His new client, or dealer, or pimp, or whatever he is wants him to stop by tonight, and Sam would rather just get it over with than avoiding him until he tracks him down. He's lasted this long without getting into this kind of trouble, but now that he's in it, he doesn't know how to get out. The only thing he could do is just leave town altogether, but that would mean leaving Jase, too.] It's just a little bruise.
[he shuts his eyes because it's easier... leaning to him as he presses a hand, the warm one from his coffee mug, about his fist. Uncurls it slowly. Doesn't quite hold his hand, just touches.] Sam.
[He turns slowly, looking up at him, his eyes big and sad and scared. Asking for help is on the tip of his tongue, but he can't. He can't ask for anything from Jase anymore. So he just swallows and tries to smile, trying to find that place in him that used to not care and was happy with good-natured whining and joking with Jase.] Thanks for letting me have a place to crash. I always sleep better here. Knowing you're around... [He stops there, looking down, slowly chewing on his lip.]]
You know you can. [he shrugs.] Figure that's obvious by now from me not turning you out your ass, first night. [he gives a grim smile, the hand not quite moving away but drifting upward to his neck. Just shy of his bruises as he frowns.] You gonna listen to what I tell you, or bitch. Answer careful, Brat.
I don't know. [That's never been him. He fucks up a lot, more than he should, but at least he stands by his bad decisions. He doesn't admit to being wrong very often; he's too headstrong for that, and it's an uphill battle for everyone else when things don't go his way. But now the best he can offer is an I don't know. He's unsure about everything now.
He almost shies from the touch, but he takes a breath and reminds himself that this is okay, and he waits, looking at Jase with a blank expression.]
You need help again. [he says this dismissively enough, to get it out of the way really. Because that isn't what he wants him to hear.] I have to keep telling myself not to care.
[he looks at him steadily, cold.] I want to not care, not give two fucks about you. You hear me?
[he pauses to hear an affirmation.] Yes or no, do you hear that.
Yes. [He says in a timid voice. Maybe he should just go. He could give Jase what he wants as a parting gift. After a while he won't care. He'll forget Sam, and maybe he'll be happy to. Sam can start over in a place where no one knows him, for whatever little time he might have left.]
If that's what you really want, then I'll go. I want to give you what you want. I owe you that much, at least. [He looks down guiltily.]
I ain't done, so shut up.[he says, sharply. His fingers curl into the back of his neck, into his hair.. he notes the length, the slight change from last night. Hates that even the feel of him that last night - their arguement right after they were in bed together, and he packed his bags, hair every which way from hurried, rushed sex - hates that it stayed with him.] See.. this killer's been doing some thinking.
I don't think you're just a killer, for fuck's sake. [He mutters, a slight spark of his old behavior. He falls silent though, listening for once, memorizing the way Jase's fingers feel against him.]
Same as I don't think you're just a hooker, I guess? Screw the sweet talk. You thought it, so did I. Get the fuck over it an' listen to me. [he snaps.] Trust you not to shut up and listen...
[he starts to draw back, his fingers brushing down his back. Maybe this was a mistake. It'd sure make shit easier if it was...]
Hey. Coffee's on if you want it. [he sips from his cup, critical eyes watching him. He won't comment any further.]
[He turns again, his bag banging against his side, and he can't help the sharp whimper that escapes his lips. He stands still for a moment, eyes closed as he steels himself. Then he takes another step toward the door in a slow sort of shuffle.]
He almost shies from the touch, but he takes a breath and reminds himself that this is okay, and he waits, looking at Jase with a blank expression.]
[he looks at him steadily, cold.] I want to not care, not give two fucks about you. You hear me?
[he pauses to hear an affirmation.] Yes or no, do you hear that.
If that's what you really want, then I'll go. I want to give you what you want. I owe you that much, at least. [He looks down guiltily.]
[he starts to draw back, his fingers brushing down his back. Maybe this was a mistake. It'd sure make shit easier if it was...]
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