976: The Wonkaland Meme

May 22, 2012 08:20

The Wonkaland Meme

Congratulations, you've stepped into the magical world of Wonka. Your life is now an excerpt from both books. Have fun with the Whangdoodles, Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers.

Post with your character name, fandom, and preferences.

Reply to other people's posts. Use RNG to pick a number from 1-10.

Tag around. Run into other people who have stepped through the gates are now running around in Wonkaland. It's up to you on if you want to reinact the disasters in the book.

1. It's an edible world - Everything around you is edible, and not in that eco-friendly kind of way. The carpets, the couches, the light fixtures. Go ahead, have a lick. The snozzberries taste like snozzberries. And that's not a broken sewer pipe, my friend. That's a fucking RIVER of CHOCOLATE. Oh yeah, I went there.

2. Talk about lifting your spirits- Fizzy lifting drink anyone? One sip, and you'll hit the roof with... well, you'll just hit the roof. At least now the mystery of how shoe prints got on the underside of the bookshelves has been solved.

3. A meal in a stick of gum - Want to take your girl/guy for a fantastic three-course dinner, but you're a little light in the cash department? Never fear, Wonka gum is here. Wow them with the taste sensation of actually eating, without having to do more than chomp on a bit of gum. Just, try not to stick around for the dessert.

4. "LOOK MA! I'M ON TEEVEE!"- That's right, you're a STAR! Well, sort of. You're more likely one of those people that touched something you shouldn't have, but hey, who cares, you're on tv. Question is, what channel is it on? And do you have control of the remote?

5. Oompa Loompa Land- So, over here we have-- OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE? WHY DO THEY LOOK LIKE THE SPAWN OF JOKER AND GARFIELD!?! RUN! Aww, don't worry, it's just a bunch of Wonka's little slave-peoples. If you have any cocoa beans on you, they'll probably do whatever you want. WITHIN REASON, PEOPLE.

6. VERMICIOUS KNIDS!- You and whoever you're with have bumped into one of the denizens of the deep black - the Vermicious Knids. Amorphous creatures with one eye and no teeth, don't think their lack of chompers is going to keep them from trying to munch you anyways. Ever wanted to know how a fly feels inside a venus flytrap? Stick around...

7. Everything's in pill form nowadays- Including age. Question is, which pill did you just take? The one to drop a few years? Or the one that's going to have you collecting your pension checks by tomorrow? How MANY did you take? Up to you, but you are no longer the same age you were five minutes ago.

8. Let me off, I'm going to be sick- So, drinking the chocolate river wasn't enough, you had to go for a boat ride on it. Problem is, that's an awfully dark looking tunnel coming up, and this boat doesn't have any brakes. What do, genius? What. Do.

9. Who needs a drycleaner when you have a bubble-car?- Remember that car from the movie? Yeah, you do. You know, the one that spewed foam all over everyone and made you want to ride it SO BAD? Well, now's your chance. Pick a fight with your co-passenger and shove some suds up their nose. They probably deserve it.

10. Pick your own- Was there a scenario from either book you wanted to play? Go for gold, baby.

rated: nc17, fluff, rated: pg, action, rated: r, crack-humor, rated: pg13

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