(no subject)

May 27, 2012 00:36

Dubcon meme

This meme is one big bastion of potential triggers, and this is your warning.

Whether it gets awkward and painful or if it goes perfectly smooth, generally speaking the basic fundamentals of sex are the same: there are two (or more) attracted parties who both decide to act on that attraction. If there's not attraction involved, there's still a mutual consent involved. If it's not mutual, there's a problem in the line somewhere...but what about when there's strong grounds for that mutual consent to be disputed on one or both sides?

Sometimes, things get a little bit (or quite a lot) dubious.

Step One: Post your character with Name/fandom/preferences, and be sure to consider just how closely to what side of dubious consent you're willing to walk (slightly dubious, or very obviously invalid)

Step Two: Others respond, rolling up or choosing a scenario.

Step Three: One or both parties get consent all muddled up.

Step Four: Deal with the fall out afterward, if you choose.

1-4 are more mutual dubious consent, and easier to walk the line of consent. 5-9 are more one sided and walk the line of non-consent.

1. Outside coercion - On display, or some perverted laws, or maybe there's a breeding facility of some sort.

2. Aphrodisiacs - Accidental or on purpose, one or both have been doused heavily in some sort of irresistible aphrodisiacs.

3. Biological imperative - Baby-making (or many attempts) must happen NOW. For the sake of children, or just to survive something.

4. Intoxication - Beer goggles and impaired judgement.

5. Illicit substances - Lack of any judgment whatsoever, nor probable recollection.

6. Sleeping - Sleeping may not be 'yes' but it's also not 'no'.

7. Control - Through actual control or some sort of blackmail, the 'yes' probably isn't sincere.

8. Trickery - Deceit and misrepresentation of one party to convince the other.

9. Manipulation - Bedazzle and confuse them somehow into saying yes when they normally wouldn't.

10. Wildcard - Some form of dubious consent circumstances not listed.

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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