Oh, they'll be such a mess. Smelling of booze and too much chocolate. notveryfaeNovember 18 2012, 18:05:02 UTC
It is.
[There is a quiet sadness to her tone. She'd really would have been delighted if Grandpa had gone with her. Squabbling over where to go, laughing all the while. He was her father, despite the title.]
So. Since I got dumped by my flesh and blood, how much do you know about the Grand Land of Pasta, Art, and Fascism?
Absolutely plastered.ofthefolkNovember 19 2012, 01:52:02 UTC
Ah, well. I do happen to have a rather large stick for just such occasions, yes. I'd be a rather piss-poor mentor if I didn't take steps to ensure the safety and all round well-being of my mentee.
[There is a quiet sadness to her tone. She'd really would have been delighted if Grandpa had gone with her. Squabbling over where to go, laughing all the while. He was her father, despite the title.]
So. Since I got dumped by my flesh and blood, how much do you know about the Grand Land of Pasta, Art, and Fascism?
I... well, it's been awhile but I daresay enough that you wouldn't get tired of me after the first week.
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