Hurt/Comfort - Hurt/comfort is a fan fiction genre that involves the physical pain or emotional distress of one character, who is cared for by another character. The injury, sickness or other kind of hurt allows an exploration of the characters and their relationship.
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"Hey!" He ran forward, slowing to a walk as he approached her side. Even without touching her he could tell her shoulder was dislocated and to his relief, that appeared to be the main extent of her injuries. He dropped down to a crouch beside her and turned her over slowly, expertly checking her for other signs as he went.
He waited until he was sure there was nothing else before he set her arm back with an experienced push. Might as well do that while she was out.
Seeing she was awake and well, Eliot raised from his crouch and stepped back smoothly to give her space. "Your shoulder was dislocated earlier. You might want to take it easy there, sweetheart."
"Hey, you're pretty good at that. Put in a lot of shoulders?" Buffy pushed herself up from the ground and wiped her hands on the back of her jeans. Then realized that she probably shouldn't have gotten up so easily. Small frame girls don't bounce back from dislocated shoulders so quickly. She'd had to hide being a Slayer in far too long that she'd forgot the need to. In the hopes of distracting, she beamed cheerleader smile and picked up her phone, "guess I don't need to call someone now."
"I'm Buffy by the way." She grinned, this time it was a genuine grin rather than a distracting hope you don't notice I could bench press a car smile. "And yes, that's my real name."
"I'll consider us even if you'll accompany me to coffee." His rendezvous with his team wasn't for a while and he was curious about this petite blonde.
"I'd love some, Eliot." She motioned for him to lead the way. "But only if I can pay. It's the least I can do for your putting my shoulder back and helping me."
"I'm payin', darlin', or you can continue owin' me for something else." His grin and the twinkle in his eyes told her he was joking though, at least regarding the owing him part. He was quite serious about the paying bit.
She laughed softly, "okay, point taken. You can pay."
Once they were out of the alley and she saw the coffee shop, Buffy headed in that direction. "So are you visiting or is this where you live?" She grinned, "the city, not the alley."
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