Title: Lonely Island (part 3/3)
Author: Emelie
Pairing: Matt/Jere
POV: Matt
imfallingdeep for all the help <3
Summary: Matt's thoughts on the train home from his first meeting with Jere.
Disclaimer: Not true at all. My sick brain just came up with this.
Part 1) (
Part 2)
Jeremiah is running on the platform waving after the train. You wave back sadly as he turns into a small dot and than disappears into nothing. You lean backwards to the backrest looking at the ceiling, to not show the tears that want to escape from your eyes. You're not going to cry, not now and not ever. Boys don't cry, you've learned that from the movie. You're not even going to cry over the fact that you're now leaving your boyfriend behind you and you don't know when you will see him again.
Oh, what the fuck. You'll just cry a little bit. It can't hurt, it's just water.
Through tear filled eyes you look through the window. The buildings of Stockholm disappear behind the train wall. For each building that disappears it makes the space between you and Jeremiah bigger.
But, for each second that passes by you're one second closer to seeing him again. You try to cheer yourself up with that thought, but it doesn't help much.
It's funny, before you always thought of Jeremiah as Jere. But during your short visit and meeting with him you started to call him Jeremiah. Even though he doesn't like his real name at all. But you liked it. His name was so alive, it told things about the person that was Jeremiah. And together the name and the person were filled with life. It wasn't like your name, Matthew. It was just dead and boring, it told nothing about you.
An electric wire is whistling by outside the train. It almost looks like the poles are bowing to the train as it passes by, because of the speed. It makes you think of this book you read a long time ago. It was about a boy who was at a train with his friend's dad and they were going to visit the friend. The dad told the boy that the poles were bowing to him, because they welcomed him to his friend.
You wonder why the poles are still bowing, they have nothing to welcome you to.
To your surprise you realise that the tears in your eyes have dried out, the wet thing you see now is rain that is rattling against the windows. You're sure it's angels crying because they miss Jeremiah. But on the other hand, the angels could be with him whenever they want. They didn't have a life to return to at the other end of the country. And the angels were probably busy doing other things than crying over your lost love. It probably was ordinary rain anyway.
The train has now left Stockholm behind and the only thing you can see outside the window is trees, the bowing poles, a road and if you're lucky a car. You pick up your book from your backpack and start to read.
The book keeps you occupied for a few hours. But after a while you put it away, mostly because you finished it. It's still raining outside, the skies are grey and heavy. If you didn't know better you would think that the sky and the grey water in the lake the train just passes by, was one grey mess.
You can discern a small island in the lakes dirty grey blur. It looks lonely, like some giant put it there at the start of the history of the world. Maybe to use to walk over the lake to get to his family without having to get his feet wet. And after that he forgot about it and no one has ever paid attention to the island after.
You are an island like that, and Jere is another. But you were lucky, your giants remembered you after years of loneliness and started to build a bridge between you, and now you weren't lonely anymore.
Just to convince you that you actually aren't lonely anymore your cell phone lets out a happy beeping. One message received.
"I'm gonna kill that train if it takes you away from me one more time. No but... I miss you! Life isn't as fun when you're not here...come back! *kisses you* Jere"
You smile to yourself, you better take the bus the next time you visit him, for the safety of the train.
The lake is out of sight now. You hope someone will build a bridge to that poor island one day.
The train approaches your home town soon. You collect your things and put your jacket on. You're not looking forward to going out into the rain, but you have no other choice. If you stay on the train it will just take you even further away from Jeremiah.
The sight of your jacket makes you smile. Among all the other things you have on it Jeremiah found some free space, at your left upper arm, and with a black waterproof pen he wrote "Jeremiah sees you...and loves you!". Beside Jere's note your brother
has written "Fuck you, I want my shirt back! I'll be home at 9". He didn't find any paper, so he used your jacket instead. He just didn't know that he used a waterproof pen. You don't let him close to your jacket anymore.
With a jerk the train stops at the station. You grab your bags and walk to the train doors. Through the window you can see your family's car parked at the parking lot.
With a sigh you step out from the train.
I know this sucks and it’s short and everything…But I couldn’t find out anything more to write. I don’t think it ever will be more because I so lost inspiration of this story.
Let’s just say they lived happily ever after?