Title: Pain, five poems bout strength
Author: Emelie
marre_barre, because she asked me to write some poems
Runs after was once was dead
To trying to live
Your enemy is what you need
The need
That you're trying to escape
In a land filled of loneliness
You're the only one
That you can't wait to get rid of
On your journey
To death'
Pain that runs through the body
You see it shaking up the dust of life
The pain of seeing a soul getting destroyed
By the body it lies within
The pain of being helpless
Knowing there's nothing you can do
Just to promise yourself
That you never will get there
But you know
That you're the next in line
She said
She sad
She's dead
Right here
Under my breast
Put your hand there
Can you feel it?
Right there
Under the skin
There's a knot at my heart
Can you feel it?
Right here
Don't leave me
The pain is there for you
Can you feel it?
Cold water
That surrounds your feet
Leaking into your shoes
It's so cold that it hurts
Cold water
Falling form the sky
Running down your body
Make you cold into the bones
Cold water
In your shoes
Cold water from the street
Feet that's acing from the cold
Make you smile
And you can't feel your feet anymore
Like you can't feel your head
Ugh, kill me! I can't write poems and I'll never do it again! =/