1. Heather/Nitre is taking a hiatus from modding, so if you have questions or concerns, please go to one of the other mods. I'm sure you guys have been finding her only rarely online, anyway, so I doubt she's being bombarded with questions. XD; Anyway. Yes. Heather is still RPing, but will not be modding at this time. We don't know when she'll be back on mod duty.
2. Kukki will no longer be a mod. However, if you need to reach Ari and none of the other mods are on, I'm sure you can still leave a message with her?
3. We now have two new mods: Laura and Syd! Laura is probably better known as Sora/Naruto/Kimihiro-mun, and Syd as Haseo/Sasori/Sasuke/Silv-mun. I'll put up their contact info and stuff up soon.
1. Please look at the
taken characters list once in a while to check your characters' memory gains. When you win memories, sometimes, you might give just a bit too much, and sometimes, a bit too little, and it might add up. I know it's hard to accertain just how much memory 1% is, but please do try to keep everything proportionate~ If you're a bit under, feel free to have them remember random things at random times, and if you're over, maybe try to keep off of actually remembering much the next time they earn some. As I've said already, the memory gains are subjective and decided by the RPers themselves, but keep in mind that if you remember too much at the start, it'll get really boring later on.
2. Please remember that journal entries are meant to be in journal format! We've noticed that more and more often, journal entries are starting to become something like logs, and that's really not what they're meant for. The entries are meant to be written as entries, and the comments... generally as comments. 'Course, the commenting seems to be more amusing and entertaining to be action-RPed sometimes, and many people (including we mods XD; ) are doing it and prefer it this way, so I think we'll allow that. But again, please keep entries in entry format as much as possible. Of course, we're not discouraging logs; feel free to start logs... but please post them as logs, in
memento_logs, not as entries.
3. Please check with a mod before starting anything event-type. Not just anything major; anything at all, especially things that could (or will) affect other characters or the world. That's not to say you can't do anything without checking, of course, or there would be no point in RPing. This is just to say that, for example, it's fine to have your character take a dip in the lake. It's even fine to have your character chased by a shark in said lake (though you might wanna ask the mods whether there are sharks or not XD;; ). However, if you want to, say, discover and awaken a kraken who had previously been sleeping in the lake, then please do ask first. XD; If you're not sure about something and whether or not it falls in the category of "need to be asked", please do ask to be sure. We're not scary, and at least one of us is generally on at all (non-sleeping) times. We certainly won't get annoyed if you over-check things with us, and generally will approve anything; what will annoy us, however, is large-ish scale things happening without our knowledge/approval.
4. Please remember to lock any entry with... questionable content. I don't think there's been problems with this, but just a friendly reminder. :3
Thank you for taking the time to read~
Please comment here (a list of characters would be nice, as well) to say that you've read it. I know this is a bother, and I'm sorry, but it really is important.
ETA: It's fine to occasionally have an action entry; just don't make it a habit. If you anticipate that it's going to turn long and log-ish, please post it in the logs comm.