Nov 18, 2007 21:36
Characters: Near, Mikami, Ed, and anyone who wants to drop by.
When: November 18th, afternoon.
Summary: A bored Near stumbles on other human beings while looking at an article on puzzles.
Warnings/Ratings: Harmless for the most part. Expect wonders from Near. |D -feels out of it-
It was quiet, as a library was meant to be. Silence, a kind of patient silence, waiting.
For what? Your death? Your liberation? This dream to end?
The warm glow of the light, the ancient scent of faded paper, the insignificant sound of footsteps. Near plucked another book off the wooden shelf, glanced at the summary, then returned it to it's place. The library was exactly as he would think a library would be like. Comforting, true, but also a little redundant. Oh, redundant, is it? Ironic, since it's you who is thinking so. Here he was, in a world he had never been in, never seen, never existed in, yet he was a little white-curled Alice wandering in known territory. Quite frankly, he was somewhat disappointed.
But relieved. No arms would reach out of a book and claw out his eyes today.
Near brought a hand up to perform his trademark hair-twirl. (Who knows why he did it. He just did.)
He needed to find something to do. Even Near gets bored.