Who: Erk and Subaru.
What: You know what would be awesome? A pillow fort. Mister Frumpy-Face doesn't want to, but that's his loss.
Where: Room 203.
When: June 3rd
Warnings: Erk is a frumpyface.
There were days when Erk just wanted to curl up with a nice book. To be fair, these days had a tendency to be every day. He liked it like that.
When he opened up the door to room 203, on the other hand, all he could do was stare and blink at the assortment of blankets and pillows strewn about the room, fashioned to look like some sort of makeshift tent. Wearily, he looked past it and noticed his prized tomes were being put to excellent use weighing down the blankets. He didn't master the elements to use a tome capable of wielding lightning as a paperweight. Or blanketweight.
He snapped himself out of his reverie long enough to sigh and close the door behind him. There were days when Erk just wanted to curl up with a nice book. This was not going to be one of those days.